Book 8

Incredible true stories of the most amazing women in American history They were courageous, resourceful pioneers, enduring and adventurous. They made arduous journeys, carved careers out of the wilderness, defied conventions, and fought for their freedom. They were community leaders, artists, and entrepreneurs. These Outrageous Women of the American Frontier boldly faced the gritty realities of daily life?everything from starvation to shootouts?and made their mark in history! Among the outrageous women you?ll meet are: Charlie Parkhurst?who disguised herself as a man, drove a stagecoach for twenty years, and was probably the first American woman to vote Bridget "Biddy" Mason?a former slave who gained her freedom in the 1850s and made enough money to set up several homes for the homeless, sick, and old Gertrudis Barcelo?Santa Fe?s "Gambling Queen" who kept her maiden name, owned her own casino, and helped the United States win the Mexican-American War Libbie Custer?wife of the famous general and a talented writer who chronicled her frontier adventures in books that made her a wealthy woman Also available in the Outrageous Women series...Outrageous Women of Ancient Times Outrageous Women of Colonial America Outrageous Women of the Middle Ages Outrageous Women of the Renaissance

Book 10

Delightful and inspiring tales of some of the most fascinating andawesome women of colonial times

American history is rife with stories of our founding fathers, butwhat of the women who lived and worked alongside these men? Thisfun and exciting book whisks young readers back to early America,introducing them to a refreshing assortment of brave and uniqueAmerican women of colonial times. Readers will be amazed by thestories of such remarkable colonial women as Mumbet, a slave whowon her freedom in a Massachusetts courtroom in the 1780s; MercyWarren, whose passionate plays about the Revolution thrust her ontothe theater scene as America's first female playwright; and PeggyArnold, the wife of Benedict Arnold, who was as formidable a spy asher notorious husband. With these enlightening profiles, Mary RoddFurbee brings these strong and influential women to life toencourage, inspire, and delight young readers.

Mary Rodd Furbee (Morgantown, WV) is a part-time writing andjournalism instructor at West Virginia University School ofJournalism and has written for many publications. She is the authorof five children's books, including Anne Bailey, Frontier Scout;and Mary Ingles, Indian Captive.

Fascinating true stories of the most amazing women in American history

They were pioneers and trailblazers, spies and ex-slaves, reformers and first ladies. They became America's first women nurses, doctors, preachers, and voters. These Outrageous Women of Civil War Times braved the battlefield, fought for their rights, wrote inspiring works-and became heroines!

Among the outrageous women you'll meet are:

Belle Boyd-a spy for the confederacy who dodged a hail of bullets to deliver key information to General Stonewall Jackson

Susan B. Anthony-the pioneering women's rights crusader who broke the law in order to vote for Ulysses S. Grant for president

Clara Barton-who cared for Civil War soldiers on the battlefield and founded the American Red Cross

Harriet Tubman-the runaway slave who led hundreds to freedom on the Underground Railroad