Book 1

Makeover Magic

by Kelly McKain

Published 26 August 2005
Hi, I'm Lucy Jessica Hartley and this is my journal about me. I'm going to tell you all about my life and the stuff that happens in it. I'm even going to tell you secret things that only my best friend Jules knows, or sometimes even that no one...Read more

Book 2

Fantasy Fashion

by Kelly McKain

Published 26 August 2005
Hi, I'm Lucy Jessica Hartley and this is my totally secret journal. Shhh!

Guess what? My fave magazine is running an utterly cool competition to design a fantasy fashion outfit and I am soooooo going to enter! My one ambition is to be a real, actual, famous fashion...Read more

Book 3

Boy Band Blues

by Kelly McKain

Published 25 November 2005
This is Lucy Jessica Hartley bringing you a very important newsflash!!!

I have just been asked to style a boy band for a charity concert at school! I'm mega-excited about it - shame that Wayne Roman, the lead singer, is such a totally horrible big-head. Anyway, I've got...Read more

Book 4

Star Struck

by Kelly McKain

Published 28 April 2006
Hi! Lucy Jessica Hartley here with something mega-ly exciting to tell you!

They're making a movie right here in my town and I'm going to audition for a part. How totally cool is that?!!!

Right, must go this second and create a fab outfit to make...Read more

Book 5

Picture Perfect

by Kelly McKain

Published 28 July 2006
Lucy Jessica Hartley here with the most fantastic news ever!

Guess what? I've been put in charge of the fashion pages for our new school magazine - yippeeeeee!!! So I've got a photo shoot to organize, models to find, and amazing new outfits to create. How mega-exciting is...Read more

Book 6

Style School

by Kelly McKain

Published 24 November 2006

Hey girls! Lucy Jessica Hartley here with a really, really secret secret!!!

I'm setting up a Style School to teach girls how to do makeovers, create fab outfits and even accessorize. It's gonna be sooooo cool. Gotta go and find some top-secret club members! I'm just crossing my fingers that...

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Book 7

Summer Stars

by Kelly McKain

Published 29 June 2007

Hi! This is Lucy Jessica Hartley, getting set for the best summer ever!

Fab news! Me, Jules and Tilda are going on holiday together. Even fabber, my fave magazine is holding a Beach Party where we're staying. Yippee! We're definitely entering their dance competition and I've got a really cool...

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Book 8

Catwalk Crazy

by Kelly McKain

Published 30 November 2007

Lucy Jessica Hartley here with some massively fabulous news!

My life is about to become Interesting with a capital "I" and Exciting with a capital "E". That's because I'm putting on a charity fashion show! It's going to be ultra glamtastic, plus it will help me achieve my life's ambition...

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Book 9

Planet Fashion

by Kelly McKain

Published 29 June 2007

Hey girls! This is Lucy Jessica Hartley with the most incredible revelation!

Something so totally amazing has happened that I don't know if you will even believe me! Drum roll please... Well, I'm doing an eco-friendly makeover with Jules on Tilda's bedroom to transform it into a gorgeous girly den....

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Book 10

Best Friends Forever

by Kelly McKain

Published 28 November 2008

Hi! Lucy Jessica Hartley here with something A-MAZING to tell you!

I've decided to turn our yawn-oramic school disco into a super-stylish High School Prom! Jules and Tilda, my fab BFFs, are helping me organize a prom king and queen competition, and we're having actual ballroom dancing, AND I'm going...

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