Book 1


by Neal Asher

Published 23 March 2001
In outer space you can never feel sure that your adversary is altogether human.Widescreen, action-packed science-fiction drama by a notable new talent.The runcible buffers on Samarkand have been mysteriously sabotaged, killing many thousands and destroying a terraforming project. Agent Cormac must reach it by ship to begin an investigation....Read more

Book 2

The Line of Polity

by Neal Asher

Published 21 March 2003
Come visit a world where you cannot draw breath... should its horrifying wildlife allow you.Outlink station Miranda has been destroyed by a nanomycelium, and the very nature of this sabotage suggests that the alien bioconstruct Dragon - a creature as untrustworthy as it is gigantic - is somehow involved....Read more

Book 3

Brass Man

by Neal Asher

Published 15 April 2005

On the primitive world of Cull, a knight errant called Anderson is hunting a dragon, little knowing that far away someone else (now more technology than human flesh) has resurrected a brass killing machine called `Mr Crane' to assist in a similar hunt encompassing star systems. When agent Cormac...

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Book 4

Polity Agent

by Neal Asher

Published 6 October 2006

From 800 years in the future, a runcible gate is opened into the Polity and those coming through it have been sent specially to take the alien `Maker’ back to its home civilization in the Small Magellanic cloud. Once these refugees are safely through, the gate itself is rapidly...

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Book 5

Line War

by Neal Asher

Published 4 April 2008

Line War is the fifth and final novel in Neal Asher's action-packed Agent Cormac series.

Their worlds are ending . . .

The human Polity worlds are under attack from Erebus, a renegade AI. And it’s now merged with lethal Jain technology, and isn’t afraid to use it. When Erebus...

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