Book 1

For the first time in a single volume, Peter F. Hamilton’s acclaimed novels—Mindstar Rising and A Quantum Murder—set in a near-future so real it seems ripped from tomorrow’s headlines
In Mindstar Rising, Greg Mandel, gifted—or cursed—with biotechnology that makes him a living lie detector, is hired to investigate corporate espionage by Event Horizon, a powerful company about to introduce a technology that will solve the energy problems of a world decimated by global warming.

Set two years later, A Quantum Murder once again teams Mandel with Event Horizon and its beautiful young owner, Julia Evans, in a locked-room mystery that combines the ingenuity of an Agatha Christie novel with cutting-edge speculative brilliance.

Read together, these novels take on fresh depth and complexity, underscoring the magnitude of Peter F. Hamilton’s creative talent.

Book 2

The Nano Flower

by Peter F. Hamilton

Published 15 January 1998

Julia Evans, billionairess owner of Event Horizon, has for fifteen years been the power behind England's economic renaissance - but now she's in trouble.

With her husband missing, and rival companies suddenly claiming to have acquired a technology impossibly superior to anything on Earth, she has no time to take notice of a single flower delivered anonymously. But this flower possesses genes millions of years in advance of any terrestrial DNA.

Is it a cryptic alien message, or a poignant farewell token from her husband? One man might discover its origin - but Greg Mandel will not be alone in his desperate search. And, as they both now discover, simply being first in the race isn't nearly good enough when the Nano Flower begins to bloom . . .

`All the criteria of great SF. Fully fleshed-out characters living in an immaculately imagined and executed near-future world, lush prose, crystal-sharp dialogue . . . Unreservedly recommended' Interzone

`Reaches another level of excellence . . . Brilliant' Locus

Book 2

A Quantum Murder

by Peter F. Hamilton

Published 1 November 1997
Dr Edward Kitchener, a brilliant researcher into quantum cosmology for the Event Horizon conglomerate ...but no good to anybody now, lying dead with his lungs spread out on either side of his open chest. The security system at Launde Abbey was premier-grade, yet a mercenary could still have got through, and plenty of people anxious to stop Kitchener's work would pay the killer's fee. But why would a professional waste time in ritually slaughtering the target? Event Horizon needs to know fast, so Greg Mandel, psi-boosted ex-private eye, is enticed out of retirement to launch himself on a convoluted trail involving confrontation with a past which -- according to Kitchener's theories -- might never have happened.

Mindstar Rising

by Peter F. Hamilton

Published 1 August 1996

It's the 21st century and global warming is here to stay, so forget the way your country used to look. And get used to the free market, too - the companies possess all the best hardware, and they're calling the shots now.

In a world like this, a man open to any offers can make out just fine. A man like Greg Mandel for instance, who's psi-boosted, wired into the latest sensory equipment, carrying state-of-the-art weaponry - and late of the English Army's Mindstar Battalion.

As the cartels battle for control of a revolutionary new power source, and corporate greed outstrips national security, tension is mounting to boiling point - and Greg Mandel is about to face the ultimate test.

'Races ahead with verve and flair' Starburst

'The plotting is tight and ingenious' Interzone