Herzog & de Meuron 1997-2001

by Gerhard Mack

Published 7 November 2008
The Tate Modern in London made Herzog & de Meuron famous all over the world. The projects and structures they have built since then are distinguished by the sensitive treatment of materials for which the architects are renowned. In addition, these Pritzker Prize-winning architects have developed a topographical conception of architecture that not only locates their designs in a larger context but also frequently structures them as landscapes. In order to represent them, the layout of volume 4 of the complete works has been completely redesigned. The publication contains essays by the architects themselves in which they situate their projects. The structures presented include such icons of contemporary architecture as the Prada store in Tokyo Aoyama and the Allianz Arena in Munich, where the opening game of the 2006 Soccer World Cup was played. Pathbreaking museum structures such as the Schaulager near Basel, the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, and the De Young Museum in San Francisco continue the conversation surrounding what constitutes a truly contemporary presentation of modern art.

Herzog & de Meuron 2005-2007

by Gerhard Mack

Published 23 November 2017
Nach gut acht Jahren erscheint der lange erwartete sechste Band des Gesamtwerks von Herzog & de Meuron zu den Jahren 2005 bis 2007. Die rund 60 Projekte zeigen die Schweizer Architekten auf der Hoehe ihres Koennens. Darunter finden sich so ikonische Bauten wie Das Perez Art Museum in Miami und das VitraHaus in Weil am Rhein. Die Entwurfe dieses Bandes breiten das ganze Vokabular architektonischer Mittel aus und reagieren ausserst vielfaltig auf aktuelle Entwicklungen der Epoche. Vom kleinen Umbauprojekt eines Privathauses uber ein Atelier-Ensemble bis zu Wohnturmen und stadtebaulichen Projekten im grossen Massstab wird die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Ort verfeinert. Dabei entwickeln Herzog & de Meuron immer wieder neue Verfahren und schlagen Bezuge zum Vokabular der klassischen Moderne und zur eigenen Werkgeschichte. Architektur wird zum Mittel, einer zunehmend virtuell gepragten Welt Koerperhaftigkeit und Halt zu geben.

Herzog & de Meuron 1992-1996

by Gerhard Mack

Published 1 October 2000
Jacques Herzog & Pierre de Meuron (with their partners Harry Gugger and Christine Binswanger) undoubtedly rank amongst the leading architects worldwide. Volume 3 of their Complete Works is now being published in an updated new edition, enlarged by some 40 pages and approximately 80 colour illustrations. At the time of the first edition, a number of the projects were under construction. These have now been completed and are documented with photographs: the Laboratory Building of Hoffmann-La-Roche in Basel, the Project in the City Center "Five Courtyards" in Munich, the St. Jakob Football Stadium in Basel and the residential buildings on the Rue des Suisses in Paris.