Book 3

Psychometric Testing

by Philip Carter and Ken Russell

Published 29 May 2001
More and more employees are having to sit psychometric tests as part of the interviewing process. On paper, a persona s skills and experience may perfectly fit the job description, but the employer also wants to know things about the individuala s personality: for example, their weak and strong...Read more

Book 4

More Psychometric Testing

by Philip Carter and Ken Russell

Published 1 January 2003
A brand new collection of powerful psychometric and intelligence tests

Psychometric testing has become a standard tool of the trade among recruiters in today's hypercompetitive job marketplace. Now, from the wiseguys behind the bestselling IQ Workout series, here are forty new tests designed to gauge and sharpen your...Read more

Book 5

The idea of this book is to help build confidence with maths via a series of tests and puzzles. After a gentle a warm--upa section, the puzzles and tests get progressively more challenging over the course of the book. There is a hints section for readers who get stuck,...Read more

Book 8

Enjoyable mental exercises to help boost performance on IQ tests

This engaging book offers readers the ultimate in calisthenics for the brain. Using the same fun, informative, and accessible style that have made his previous books so popular, Philip Carter helps people identify mental strengths and weaknesses, and provides...

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Book 9

More IQ Testing

by Philip Carter and Ken Russell

Published 29 July 2002
Increase your powers of vocabulary, calculation and logical reasoning with this book of brand new IQ tests.

Each timed test is approximately the same degree of difficulty and consists of a mixture of numerical, diagrammatic and logical reasoning questions. Answers are provided with detailed explanations where necessary,...Read more

Book 10

Maximize Your Brainpower

by Philip Carter and Ken Russell

Published 12 August 2002
Improve your mental well--being with this book of brand new mental tests in the IQ Workout Series...Despite the enormous capacity of the human brain, we only utilise on average two per cent of our potential brainpower. There is, therefore, the potential for each of us to considerably expand our...Read more

100, 99.5, 98.5, 97, 95, ? What number comes next? Athletes, gymnasts and dancers strive to push their bodies to achieve maximum potential, exercising to improve suppleness, stamina and technique to be the best in their chosen field. Every one of us has to use our brain on a...Read more