Book 1

Sound the Trumpet

by Gilbert Morris

Published 1 June 1995
Daniel Bradford, a young British man who came to America as an indentured servant, views the developing revolution with alarm.

Book 2

Song in a Strange Land

by Gilbert Morris

Published 1 March 1996
Caught in the middle of the American Revolution, two families are united by blood but divided by loyalties. During the fight for a new country, men and women will sacrifice their all for what they believe...but will it be enough?

Book 3

Tread upon the Lion

by Gilbert Morris

Published 1 October 1996
While General George Washington prepares to defend New York from the British, Daniel Bradford tries to save his son Matthew from Sir Leo Rochester, who has hired Abigail Howland to lure Matthew into his schemes.

Arrow of the Almighty

by Gilbert Morris

Published 1 June 1997
While General Washington prepares to cross the Delaware, Continental Army dispatcher Micah Bradford is torn between two young women and God's call on his life.

Command the Sun

by Gilbert Morris

Published 1 February 2000
When Matthew Bradford learns that his real father is Sir Leo Rochester, he has a chance to become an English peer, but first he must leave the woman he loves and renounce America. Original.

No 5

Joel Bradford is discovered to have a great talent for acting and disguise by General George Washington, who sends him to New York to pose as a British loyalist, a successful act that is threatened when Joel falls in love with Heather Reed, a steadfast patriot who despises his loyalist position.