Book 1

Murder on Millionaires' Row

by Erin Lindsey

Published 2 October 2018
Rose Gallagher might dream of bigger things, but she’s content enough with her life as a housemaid. After all, it’s not every girl from Five Points who gets to spend her days in a posh Fifth Avenue brownstone, even if only to sweep its floors. But all that changes on the day her boss, Mr. Thomas Wiltshire, disappears. Rose is certain Mr. Wiltshire is in trouble, but the police treat his disappearance as nothing more than the whims of a rich young man behaving badly. Meanwhile, the friend who reported him missing is suspiciously unhelpful. With nowhere left to turn, Rose takes it upon herself to find her handsome young employer.

The investigation takes her from the marble palaces of Fifth Avenue to the sordid streets of Five Points. When a ghostly apparition accosts her on the street, Rose begins to realize that the world around her isn’t at all as it seems - and her place in it is about to change forever.

Book 2

A Golden Grave

by Erin Lindsey

Published 17 September 2019
Rose Gallagher always dreamed of finding adventure, so her new life as a freshly-minted Pinkerton agent ought to be everything she ever wanted. Only a few months ago, she was just another poor Irish housemaid from Five Points; now, she’s learning to shoot a gun and dance the waltz and throw a grown man over her shoulder. Better still, she’s been recruited to the special branch, an elite unit dedicated to cases of a paranormal nature, and that means spending her days alongside the dashing Thomas Wiltshire.

But being a Pinkerton isn’t quite what Rose imagined, and not everyone welcomes her into the fold. Meanwhile, her old friends aren’t sure what to make of the new Rose, and even Thomas seems to be having second thoughts about his junior partner. So when a chilling new case arrives on Rose’s doorstep, she jumps at the chance to prove herself - only to realise that the stakes are higher than she could have imagined. Six delegates have been murdered at a local political convention, and the police have no idea who–or what–is responsible. One thing seems clear: The killer’s next target is a candidate for New York City mayor, one Theodore Roosevelt.

Convinced that something supernatural is afoot, Rose and Thomas must track down the murderer before Roosevelt is taken out of the race–permanently. But this killer is unlike any they’ve faced before, and hunting him down will take them from brownstones to ballrooms to Bowery saloons. Not quite comfortable anywhere, Rose must come to terms with her own changed place in society–and the fact that some would do anything to see her gone from it entirely.

Book 3

The Silver Shooter

by Erin Lindsey

Published 17 November 2020
It's the spring of 1887, and Rose Gallagher is finally coming into her own. She's the proud owner of a lovely little home near Washington Square, where she lives with her mother and friend, Pietro, and she's making a name for herself as a Pinkerton agent with a specialty in things . . . other worldly, to say the least. Even she and her partner Thomas are managing to push aside romantic feelings for one another. Mostly.

Things are almost too good to be true - so Rose is hardly surprised when Theodore Roosevelt descends on them like a storm cloud, hiring them for a mysterious job in the Dakota Territory. A series of strange occurrences in the Badlands surrounding his ranch has Roosevelt convinced that something supernatural is afoot.

It began with livestock disappearing around the Little Missouri River, their bodies later discovered torn apart by something monstrously powerful. Animals have continued to turn up dead - and a few people too. Meanwhile, a successful prospector has gone missing, and rumors about his lost stash of gold have attracted treasure hunters from far and wide. But they keep disappearing, too. To top it all off, this past winter, a mysterious weather phenomenon wiped out millions of cattle.

Roosevelt is beginning to believe that the land is cursed, and is sure something supernatural must be at play. So Rose and Thomas head West to hunt a monster . . . they can only hope it isn't something much worse.