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2 total works
Avril is in her late thirties and married to Hugh, a Navy Officer who is charming but domineering. She has a secretarial job, but Hugh keeps her in her place and has been having affairs since six months into their marriage - they have no children as he doesn't want them. When Hugh is posted to St Vincent for six months she has a brief affair with her boss Keith. She feels no guilt, but finds herself pregnant - Keith suggests an abortion. Fortunately, Hugh sends for her to join him in St Vincent and she decides to keep the baby, passing it off as Hugh's. All is well until Hugh discovers the truth, confronts Avril and hits her. This initiates their separation and Avril's rediscovery of herself and her talent for painting - a talent denied by Hugh. Whilst approaching galleries, she meets again Hugh's brother Michael, part-owner of a gallery. She becomes his client and then his wife...
By the author of While the Music Lasts. Eleanor finds herself pregnant by an old friend, Hugo, while at Oxford. The couple marry and settle in Brazil where Eleanor is tempted into a passionate affair with a handsome Brazilian. She realizes too late how important her husband and child are to her.