Book 2

Assassin's Silence

by Ward Larsen

Published 3 May 2016
When it comes to disappearing, David Slaton has few equals. Police in three countries have written off trying to find him. His old employer, Mossad, keeps no forwarding address. Even his wife and son are convinced he is dead. So when an assault team strikes, Slaton is taken by surprise. He kills one man and manages to escape. Half a world away, in the baleful heat of the Amazon, an obscure air cargo company purchases a derelict airliner. Teams of mechanics work feverishly to make the craft airworthy. On the first flight, the jet plunges toward the ocean. The CIA assesses the two spectacles: a practiced killer leaving a trail of bodies across Europe, and a large airplane I disappearing without a trace. The two affairs are increasingly seen to be intertwined. Langley realizes the killer is a 5' man long thought to be dead, and the lost airliner has been highly modified into a tool of unimaginable terror. 1 When their worst fears are realised, Langley must trust the one man who can save them: David Slaton, the perfect assassin.

Book 2

Assassin's Game

by Ward Larsen

Published 26 August 2014
After decades of work, a brilliant scientist has taken Iran to the threshold of its dream - a nuclear-tipped ballistic missile. Mossad must eliminate the man, but with a spy lurking high in its ranks there is only one option: bring back Slaton. The kidon has vowed to never kill again, but when his wife is attacked and forced to flee across Europe, events force his hand. Slaton plots to assassinate one of the most closely guarded men on earth. Success is improbable. Survival unlikely. Only when he learns the labyrinthine truth does Slaton see one high-stakes chance. A chance for an assassin's game...

Book 3

Assassin'S Code

by Ward Larsen

Published 22 August 2017
Former assassin David Slaton discovers a cryptic message: on a memory stick, a photograph of the man who will soon assume command of DGSI, France's elite counterterrorism force. With that country reeling under a wave of ISIS attacks, Zavier Baland will be trusted to make the Republic safe again. The problem-Slaton has seen Baland's face before. He is Ali Samir, a terrorist Slaton is certain he killed fifteen years earlier. Unable to reconcile this frightening disconnect, he attempts to raise the alarm.

Thousands of miles away, the chief information officer of ISIS tries to keep networks running amid crumbling infrastructure. With the caliphate's very survival at stake, the leadership commits to a last-ditch gambit: France must be attacked on a massive scale, forcing the West into the battle of the Apocalypse.

Slaton keeps a breakneck pace, traveling to Tel Aviv, Paris, and the deserts of Syria. In the end he uncovers a labyrinthine plot-and one that only he can stop.

Book 4

Assassin's Run

by Ward Larsen

Published 21 August 2018
Ward Larsen's Assassin's Run revives globe-trotting, hard-hitting assassin David Slaton for another breathless adventure.

When a Russian oligarch is killed by a single bullet on his yacht off the Isle of Capri, Russian intelligence sources speculate that a legendary Israeli assassin, long thought dead, might be responsible. However, David Slaton-the assassin in question-is innocent. Realizing the only way to clear his name is to find out who's truly responsible, he travels to Capri.

While he searches, a web of disparate events unfolds across the world. Three ships, owned by the group of Russians, deliver a mysterious cargo to the shores of the Arabian Peninsula. In Morocco, a Russian aerospace company begins flight testing an innovative new drone.

From Switzerland to the Red Sea to Morocco, Slaton uncovers a conspiracy of monumental scope. It is a plot that will change the world strategic order-and one that goes straight to the top of the Russian government.

Book 6

Assassin's Strike

by Ward Larsen

Published 18 August 2020
In a Syrian palace, the presidents of Russia and Syria undertake a clandestine meeting. No staff or advisors are permitted in the room. No records are kept. By necessity, however, there are two witnesses: the interpreters. The Russian, Ludmilla Kravchuk, returns to her hotel room burdened by what she has heard. When her Syrian counterpart is murdered before her eyes, Kravchuk fears she is next and goes into hiding in Syria.

The CIA gets word of the defection. Desperate to uncover the purpose of the meeting, they task their newest off-the-books operator-legendary assassin David Slaton-to undertake a daring rescue.

A thousand miles south, in the lawless reaches of Darfur, a cattle herder and his son stumble upon a deadly cache of chemical weapons. Their horrible deaths are soon uncovered, and evidence ties the tragedy to Slaton's mission.

Behind the conspiracy is a shadowed figure: he claims to be the fifth Rashidun of Islam, but his true identity is even more stunning. The spectacular attack he is planning will tear the Middle East apart and return a notorious clan to power. Only one person stands in his way-Slaton. An assassin without peer.

Book 7

Assassin's Edge

by Ward Larsen

Published 12 April 2022
A U.S. spy plane crashes off the northern coast of Russia at the same time that a Mossad operative is abducted from a street in Kazakhstan. The two events seem unrelated, but as suspicions rise, the CIA calls in its premier operative, David Slaton.

When wreckage from the aircraft is discovered on a remote Arctic island, Slaton and a team are sent on a clandestine mission to investigate. While they comb a frigid Russian island at the top of the world, disaster strikes yet again: a U.S. Navy destroyer sinks in the Black Sea.

Evidence begins mounting that these disparate events are linked, controlled by an unseen hand. A mysterious source, code name Lazarus, provides tantalizing clues about another impending strike. Yet Lazarus has an agenda that is deeply personal, a thirst for revenge against a handful of clandestine operators. Prime among them: David Slaton.

Book 8

Assassin's Mark

by Ward Larsen

Published 11 December 2023
With the help of CIA operative David Slaton, America has shaken off a series of high-tech attacks. Then, just as the threat seems to have receded, the most brazen strike of all: Marine One is brought down in the heart of the capital. The president survives the crash, but is clinging to life by a thread.

Once again, Slaton gets the call. With limitless backing from the CIA, the agency’s most lethal assassin is dispatched halfway around the world. But as his mission nears completion, he finds himself targeted by a talented adversary, a ruthless young assassin who moves like a ghost, and whose motives are unclear.

What is clear is that Trident is not yet finished, and that there is a high-level traitor in the U.S. government. And the only way forward is to topple a conspiracy in the uppermost echelons of Washington.

Assassin's Revenge

by Ward Larsen

Published 1 September 2019
On a sunny dock in Gibraltar, Slaton returns to the sailboat he shares with his wife and young son to find them missing. The only clue to their whereabouts is a cryptic message: If he wants to see them again, he must eliminate an obscure scientist working for the International Atomic Energy Agency. Slaton races to Vienna to unravel the scheme.

Half a world away, a small team of ISIS operatives arrives in North Korea. It is comprised of two suicidal jihadists, one technician, and the caliphate’s only officer with naval experience. Their mission - to reestablish the group’s relevance by undertaking a shocking strike against America.

From Europe to North Korea to the Pacific Ocean, Slaton finds himself entangled in a deadly nuclear game. Working against him are a band of suicidal terrorists, supported by a North Korean government that is about to implode. That slate of actors, however, face something even more lethal.

A devoted father and husband - one who happens to be the perfect assassin.