Book 26

How Ottawa Spends, 2005-2006

by G. Bruce Doern

Published 2 September 2005
Assesses the Liberal Government

Book 32

Leading scholars from across Canada examine a new era of "life under the knife" in the context of the Harper agenda after five years in power, the partisan calculus of a minority Parliament, and a deep global recession still in crisis mode. Given the budget-related pressure for an election,...Read more

How Ottawa Spends, 2004-2005

by G. Bruce Doern

Published 19 October 2004
A critical assessment of the priorities, spending, and policy initiatives of the new Paul Martin era in key areas of national debate.

Continuing its tradition of current, exemplary scholarship, the 2012-13 edition of How Ottawa Spends casts a critical eye at national politics, priorities, and policies, with an emphasis on the Conservative majority's mandated austerity measures and budget-cutting strategies. Leading scholars from across Canada examine a new era of majority government...Read more

The 2013-14 edition of How Ottawa Spends critically examines national politics, priorities, and policies with a close lens on Stephen Harper's Conservative party during the middle of their first term as a majority. Contributors from across Canada examine the federal government and its not uncommon mid-term problems but also...Read more

The priorities of the Harper government analyzed in the context of the policies of the defeated Liberal minority government.

The priorities and policies of the Harper conservatives as they confront a climate of change both politically and environmentally.