Emir Caner, converted Sunni Muslim and coauthor of the bestselling "Unveiling Islam," joins apologist John Ankerberg, host of the powerhouse "John Ankerberg Show," to provide a helpful resource for informed Muslim--Christian interaction.Immersed in the Islamic worldview as the son of a devout mosque leader, Caner gives readers the real picture of women under Islam. He and Ankerberg delve under the claims of Muslim apologists and open readers' eyes to...the conditions of near-slavery women suffer in many Islamic culturesthe contempt for women found in the Qu'ranMuhammad's ambivalence toward femalesthe dehumanizing double standard regarding men's and women's sexual behaviorthe problems with judging Islam by considering only North American MuslimsFinally, Ankerberg and Caner leave no doubt why, in the light of history, "Christianity" is the truly radical religion regarding the treatment and status of women. A great source for understanding and discussion.

Christians are often surprised when they hear Muslims say, We believe in Jesus too, and we hold Him in great esteem. But what do they really mean? Are the Muslim Jesus and the Christian Jesus the same person?Immersed in the Islamic worldview as the son of a devout muezzin--mosque leader--Emir Caner helps readers untangle two very different belief systems. He and John Ankerberg take on the tough questions: What role does Jesus have in Islam?What does the Qu'ran say about Him? What does it not say?Why are Muslims repulsed by the idea that Jesus is the Son of God, fully God and fully man?What do Muslims have in mind when they acknowledge Jesus as virgin-born?How can Christians discuss these belief differences without insulting Muslim friends and acquaintances?A concise, authoritative guide for informed Muslim-Christian interaction.

Emir Caner, converted Sunni Muslim and coauthor of the bestselling "Unveiling Islam," joins apologist John Ankerberg, host of the powerhouse "John Ankerberg Show," to tackle a topic crucial to twenty-first-century Christianity.Caner's immersion in the Islamic worldview, from growing up the son of a devout mosque leader, gives readers an authentic picture of Islam and "jihad--""holy war." He and Ankerberg go beyond the hopeful but often ignorant pronouncements of politicians and religious leaders, considering...the Qu'ran's contradictory declarations regarding conflict and tolerancethe facts that Muhammad was a warrior and Islam is a religion of battlethe deceptiveness of calling Islam a "religion of peace"the decisive role of "imams--"teachers--in radicalizing adherentsthe false impressions of Islam gained by considering only North American MuslimsAn invaluable tool for understanding this key issue and discussing it with Muslim and non-Muslim friends and acquaintances.