Achieving QTS
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Primary English: Teaching Theory and Practice
by Jane A Medwell, David Wray, Hilary Minns, Vivienne Griffiths, and Elizabeth Coates
Now with online resources to support teaching practice!
An extensive knowledge of the primary English curriculum is not enough for trainee teachers, they need to know how to teach English in the primary classroom.
This is the essential teaching theory and practice text for primary English that...
Now with online resources to support teaching practice!
An extensive knowledge of the primary English curriculum is not enough for trainee teachers, they need to know how to teach English in the primary classroom.
This is the essential teaching theory and practice text for primary English that takes a focused look at the practical aspects of teaching. It covers the important skills of classroom management, planning, monitoring and assessment and relates these specifically to primary English, with new material on assessment without levels. Greater coverage of teaching grammar is also included, whilst practical guidance and features support trainees to translate their learning to the classroom and understand the wider context of their teaching. And to support students even further with the very latest strategies in classroom practice, this 8th edition now includes online resources on the brand new companion website:
- Practical lesson ideas for the classroom
- The Primary National Curriculum for English in Key Stages one and two
- Tips for planning primary English
- A recommended children's book list
- Useful weblinks for primary English teaching
Using this new edition with the supporting online material makes it an essential guide to effective and creative English teaching.
Primary English: Knowledge and Understanding
by Jane A Medwell, David Wray, George E Moore, and Vivienne Griffiths
Now with online resources to support subject knowledge!
Secure subject knowledge and understanding is the foundation of confident, creative and effective teaching. To help your students master this, the 8th edition of this established text now comes with a range of online resources available on the brand new...
Now with online resources to support subject knowledge!
Secure subject knowledge and understanding is the foundation of confident, creative and effective teaching. To help your students master this, the 8th edition of this established text now comes with a range of online resources available on the brand new companion website including:
- Interactive English subject knowledge audit: to assess your students subject knowledge in primary English. Save valuable teaching time at the start of the year by setting is as a pre-course audit and ensure students have an accurate picture of their ability before they begin. Grading your students' overall performance, results can be shared with you immediately and include further reading suggestions so students can revisit areas where they require improvement.
- Reflective self-assessment questions: more than 70 'check your learning' questions help consolidate students' understanding of each chapter topic and monitor their learning as they work through the book.
- Irregular verbs: a handy reference of all the irregular verbs so trainees can teach English confidently.
- Glossary: building students' knowledge, the full online glossary of terms for English helps them know their 'digraph' from your 'soliloquy'.
This 8th edition, covering the whole primary curriculum, also includes new chapters on handwriting and the nature of learning. Updated interactive activities throughout the book engage students in their learning and enable discussion. Using this book in conjunction with the free online resources really makes this the complete package for developing English subject knowledge.