Birdlife Conservation
2 primary works
Book 4
This is the new edition of "Birds to Watch" with 1,200 species identified as globally threatened using the latest IUCN criteria. For each species, details are given of their distribution, habitat requirements, population numbers and trends.
Book 10
The publication of "European Bird Populations: Estimates and Trends" means that, for the first time, all pan-European data on bird populations and their distribution are available in one book. The information provided acts as a supplement to information given in two previous Birdlife International publications: "Birds in Europe: Their Conservation Status" and "The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding Birds: Their Distribution and Abundance". Full population data is presented on all 515 regularly occurring species in Europe with line illustrations for each species. Information on population trend and range trend data is provided, along with status threat summaries and population size estimates for each species.