This is the third book in the series featuring the bridge-playing monks of St. Titus, whose exploits delight readers the world over. The style and humor of the narrative enhance the bridge deals, which are of considerable technical interest. Bridge enthusiasts who have not yet encountered the Abbot and...

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If you want to win more often at bridge you will need to deepen your understanding of the game and to learn where not to follow conventions slavishly in bidding, defence and dummy play. Both Terence Reese and Roger Trezel were brilliant players and Reese possessed a legendary skill...Read more

Famous Leads And Defences

by David Bird

Published 4 June 1998

How good are your opening leads? And how effective are your tactics in defence?

On each deal David Bird sets the scene and you must then choose which card to play. Turn the page and you can compare your efforts with those of the great champion who originally held the...

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Divine Intervention

by David Bird and Terence Reese

Published 12 October 1995

'The monks are back. That's all you need to know if you have already been exposed to the wonderful series by Terence Reese and David Bird, featuring high-level bridge deals and high-level laughter, about the fanatical bridge-playing denizens of St Titus. Divine Intervention follows one of the earlier books...

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This book gives a full account of modern Acol and of the whole range of defensive and competitive bidding. It is suitable for players up to a high standard but will readily be understood by less experienced players as each topic starts with the fundamentals.

The play of the cards...

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Bridge is played around the world - and often regarded as the best of all card games.

'Many games provide fun, but Bridge grips you. It exercises your mind. Your mind can rust, you know, but Bridge prevents the rust from forming' Omar Sharif

In this book David Bird builds on...

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Cardinal Sins

by David Bird and Terence Reese

Published 7 March 1991
The card-play exploits of the monks at St Titus have a special place in bridge literature and their fame has now spread round the world. This is a further collection of highly entertaining stories from the monastery with, of course, a mass of brilliant and instructive bridge.

Inspired Cardplay

by David Bird and Martin Hoffman

Published 8 May 2003

If you ever sit by the elbow of a famous player, you will be surprised by many of the plays. What is going on in the great player's mind? In this exciting new book by Britain's top bridge writer, David Bird, and the world-renowned professional player, Martin Hoffman, you...

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Bridge Over Troubled Waters

by David Bird

Published 14 March 2002

David Bird is acknowledged as the world's best when it comes to humorous bridge fiction. As the bridge cruise traverses the Far East, the bridge organiser, Richard Knight, visits Pat Pong - the notorious red-light district of Bangkok - and is enticed by three attractive Thai girls into a...

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The Abbot's Great Sacrifice

by David Bird

Published 9 October 2003
In this eighth collection of stories featuring the bridge-crazy monks of St Titus, the pompous and self-important Abbot suffers more than his fair share of the game's aggravations. The world's worst house guest, Brother Herman from Australia, pays the monastery a visit. A team of attractive girls arrives at...Read more

Miracles of Card Play

by Terence Reese and David Bird

Published 1 June 1982
Details the fictitious exploits of the bridge-playing monks of St Titus, who are involved in the Gold Cup, the Hubert Phillips Bowl, the National inter-monastery championship and a mission to Africa to convert the Bozwambi tribe to the Acol system.


by Terence Reese

Published 26 February 1970
The last two decades have brought a great advance in the standard of card-play, both at club and tournament level. Although many players feel confident in their ability to deal with the routine problems they may encounter at the bridge table, there are still certain areas that can be...Read more

Bid Against the Masters

by Keith McNeil and Terence Reese

Published 11 February 1993