A New Home for Tiger

by Joan Stimson

Published 19 January 1996
When Mother Tiger announces that they're moving to a new home, Young Tiger eagerly packs his things. But a new home means that everything is unfamiliar -- and Young Tiger is suddenly unhappy. Tiger goes back to his old home, but now he's all alone in an empty house. Before long, Tiger begins to understand that "home" means many different things, and the most important among them is being with your family. Small children who must come to terms with the unsettling experience of moving will appreciate Young Tiger's story. With him, they can learn how to make their new home a warm and cheerful place to live.

Oscar's Starry Night

by Joan Stimson and Meg Rutherford

Published 1 January 1999
Oscar, and his friends, Ollie are going to spend the night camping our under the stars. Oscar can't wait. But when night falls he feels scared, while Ollie seems so brave. Oscar starts worrying that Ollie won't want to be friends any more...Then Ollie tells him something that makes everything right. And Oscar can enjoy sleeping under the starry night sky after all.

Big Panda, Little Panda

by Joan Stimson

Published 31 March 1993
When Little Panda gets a baby sister he's not at all sure he likes it. Suddenly he's become Big Panda and mum doesn't even have time to read him his story. It takes a little time and a bit of playing for Big Panda to learn that being big is fun.