Book 8

Marginal Operation: Volume 8

by Yuri Shibamura

Published 24 February 2022
The fires of vengeance burn on…

With Arata's battle against his former employer concluded, the situation’s finally stabilizing. After careful deliberation, he decides to recruit child soldiers from Thailand’s slums on Miss Li’s request. Unbeknownst to Arata, while his rival company may have backed out for now, there are still those within it whose personal grudge against him won't let them rest until they've had their revenge.

Book 9


Arata believed his travails in Thailand were over, but Kishimoto has other plans. The moment Arata lets his guard down, his former colleague strikes, kidnapping Hakim and Sophie. For the first time, Arata must contend with the imminent threat of a subordinate’s death. Will he crack, or will he find a way to follow through under such pressure?

Book 11

Marginal Operation: Volume 11

by Yuri Shibamura

Published 20 October 2022

Pushing foreign borders...

Arata finally makes the move against the Chinese army his sponsors have been waiting for. The effort goes well at first as he recaptures a series of villages with no casualties, but his seemingly unstoppable momentum grinds to a halt as Arata discovers deeper complexities to this struggle than he ever imagined...

Book 14

Going on the offensive...

With the Chinese Army presenting an overwhelming difference in firepower to his own forces, Arata employs guerrilla tactics to successfully take out a key refueling base. However, this enrages the Chinese Army more than expected, leading to an air strike against Camp Hakim in retaliation. With the Burmese Army still disorganized and his sponsors unwilling to lend further aid, the only person Arata can rely on to get them out of this mess is himself.

Marginal Operation: Volume 1

by Yuri Shibamura

Published 16 January 2020
The life of a private mercenary is far more grueling than he could have ever imagined!
Our hero Ryouta Arata is an otaku who's just lost his job after the dissolution of his company. Unwilling to return to his old NEET ways, he applies online to a private military security company, thinking the benefits to be promising. After what appears to be a baffling test, he's assigned to be an "operator of operators" and begins his training in a foreign country.

The life of a private mercenary is far more grueling than he could have ever imagined!
Our hero Ryouta Arata is an otaku who's just lost his job after the dissolution of his company. Unwilling to return to his old NEET ways, he applies online to a private military security company, thinking the benefits to be promising. After what appears to be a baffling test, he's assigned to be an "operator of operators" and begins his training in a foreign country.

Coming Soon

The life of a private mercenary is far more grueling than he could have ever imagined!
Our hero Ryouta Arata is an otaku who's just lost his job after the dissolution of his company. Unwilling to return to his old NEET ways, he applies online to a private military security company, thinking the benefits to be promising. After what appears to be a baffling test, he's assigned to be an "operator of operators" and begins his training in a foreign country.

Marginal Operation: Volume 4

by Yuri Shibamura

Published 19 November 2020
The life of a private mercenary is far more grueling than he could have ever imagined!
Our hero Ryouta Arata is an otaku who's just lost his job after the dissolution of his company. Unwilling to return to his old NEET ways, he applies online to a private military security company, thinking the benefits to be promising. After what appears to be a baffling test, he's assigned to be an "operator of operators" and begins his training in a foreign country.

After forming a truce with the cult they were originally contracted to confront, Arata and his crew set out for Thailand. Immediately upon landing, a rich aristocrat by the name of Li Seiran comes to him with a proposition—to stop a certain company from trafficking children out of the country. But with his reputation as the renowned Headmaster now flowing through mercenary channels, will Arata still be able to keep his kids safe?

Marginal Operation: Volume 7

by Yuri Shibamura

Published 4 November 2021
A Storm Is Brewing...

Having come to Thailand in the hopes of finding a way to support his children without forcing them onto the battlefield, Arata instead finds himself being asked to recruit more children from the slums and expand his mercenary operations. It may be the only way to save them from being exploited by a far more predatory company, but he still feels conflicted about sending yet more children to war. Will he be able to escape this industry before it claims the lives of his precious kids?

An ill-fated encounter…

Driven insane by the loss of his daughter and the death of Hakim, Kishimoto turned on his coworker and killed him in cold blood. After this, he used Sophie to goad Arata into a final showdown at a park in Thailand. From training camp comrades to bitter adversaries, how will this confrontationend as their two paths collide?

Old Paths Intertwine...

As the Burmese army terrorizes the local population, Arata realizes he has to clean house before he can focus on the Chinese. His efforts to end his allies’ suppression of their own citizens lead him to Yangon, where the UN peacekeeping team is detained and an unlikely reunion lies in wait for him…

Tensions flare amidst jungle warfare...

The battle in Myanmar rages on fiercer than ever before. China has deployed their helicopters and drones, while Arata’s allies, the Burmese Army, turn out to be far less reliable than he'd hoped. It will take the full extent of his considerable wit to continue winning his battles and keeping his kids alive. Fortunately, by rescuing the nearby villagers from their own government’s tyranny, he may have inadvertently created the perfect strategic opportunity for himself.

The final push...
Arata Ryouta, a former NEET, is now a world-famous mercenary who leads a platoon of child soldiers against the Chinese army. Despite only having 3,000 troops under his command, he’s succeeded in countless campaigns against a force tenfold his own. Revered and reviled by allies and enemies respectively, Arata has one last marginal operation to complete before his story comes to a close.

Reunions abound...
Now that Arata has secured sponsor funds, he’s ready to procure the anti-aircraft weapons he so desperately needs. But before that, he encounters some old friends—and enemies! Laying his grudges to rest, he moves forward with fighting back against China’s aerial forces. Win or lose, nothing will bring back the people he’s already lost, but he can’t afford to stop now.