Book 1248

Miss Prim's Untamable Cowboy

by Carolyn Zane

Published 7 September 1997

Book 1308

Cinderella's Secret Baby

by Carolyn Zane

Published 1 July 1998


This wealthy Texas family needs a few good women to lasso their brood of bad boys.

"My wife is nine months pregnant?"-Mac Brubaker

It was a fairy tale come true for shy kitchen maid Ella McCloskey. For when millionaire rancher Mac Brubaker whisked her away for a secret wedding and secluded honeymoon, she thought she'd found her prince. But circumstances soon had Ella heading for the Texas hills, and not even stopping to pick up her glass slipper. The Cinderella bride thought she'd put all her dreams of happily ever after behind her. Until Mac showed up...just as she was about to give birth to his secret baby!

Book 1339

The Rich Gal's Rented Groom

by Carolyn Zane

Published 1 December 1998

Book 1402

Johnny's Pregnant Bride

by Carolyn Zane

Published 1 November 1999


This wealthy Texas family needs a few good women to lasso their brood of bad boys!

"Some little filly claims I fathered her baby. Hmm. Not a bad idea!"

–Johnny Brubaker

She arrived at the Brubaker mansion demanding retribution. Johnny Brubaker would do right by Miss Emmaline Arthur. But the plain Jane guickly realized Johnny wasn't her baby's father. Why, she'd never even laid eyes on the long, tall drink of water before! Now the unmarried mom-to-be would become the talk of the town. Luckily the honor-bound cowboy saw that sweet Emmaline deserved to be cherished, and her child deserved a name. So she became Johnny's pregnant bride…and wondered if she'd ever be his in more than name only!

Book 1441

His Wild Young Bride

by Donna Clayton

Published 1 April 2000

Book 1477

The Nanny Proposal

by Donna Clayton

Published 10 October 2000


Two handwritten words changed Dr. Greg Hamilton's playboy lifestyle forever. From the moment he found his baby girl on the doorstep, she held his heart in her tiny hands. Juggling fatherhood and a busy practice wasn't easy–so when the shy and lovely Jane Dale proposed she be baby Joy's nanny, Greg didn't question his luck….

Jane's pulse beat fast when she faced the man who'd supposedly seduced and left her sister. When she'd joined his household under false pretenses, she hadn't expected her niece's father to be caring, honest…and much too attractive. Would her deception cost her the child and the man of her heart?

Book 1482

Book 1488

Montana's Feisty Cowgirl

by Carolyn Zane

Published 29 December 2000

Book 1489

Rachel And The M.d.

by Donna Clayton

Published 29 December 2000

Dr. Sloan Radcliff was the first to admit he didn't know a thing about clothes, makeup–or dating! And although he refused to succumb to the triplets' shameless matchmaking schemes, he was glad they charmed Rachel Richards into helping out. In fact, he felt so grateful toward his lovely office assistant that he had a sudden urge to…

kiss her! The brooding widower wasn't at all convinced he could fuldill Rachel's hopes and dreams, but the captivating beauty sure did turn his entire world asunder. Would he ever allow her close enough to resuscitate his lonesome life?

Book 1494

Tex's Exasperating Heiress

by Carolyn Zane

Published 1 January 2001

She was the most exasperating little lady he'd ever set eyes on. Charlotte Beauchamp, with her mile-a-minute mouth and engaging enthusiasm, had whirled into Tex Brubaker's life like a wild Texas tornado.

It had begun when she inherited a million-dollar pig, a porkly problem that animal behaviorist Tex agreed to take on. But dealing with the precocious, pretty heiress was another matter entirely. The Brubaker bachelor knew he'd better watch his back, or he'd find himself agreeing to so much more….

Book 1576

Of Royal Blood

by Carolyn Zane and Donna Clayton

Published 1 March 2002


Still no sign of any missing heir. Must speak with Queen Simone about the longing looks her granddaughter, the beautiful Princess Marie-Claire, is giving that aristocratic Sebastian LeMarc. He seems too worldly for her innocence, but the protective and personal touches he gives her leads me to believe something is brewing between them.... I see how he watches her as she laughs with her sisters-and the way she looks at him as he dances with others. But is their budding relationship true enough to withstand rumors that Sebastian's ties to the royal family might be stronger than we think?

Book 1582

In Pursuit Of A Princess

by Donna Clayton

Published 1 April 2002




While a missing heir remains at large, Princess Ariane has offered to go undercover at the palace in Rhineland and learn more about the rumored faction hoping to control St. Michel. Her quick mind and devotion to her country–not to mention her intoxicating beauty–make Ariane the perfect person for the job. But it seems as though love has bloomed early this spring, for Ariane and the irresistible Prince Etienne have been practically inseparable. Does this mean the prince has finally found his bride? And if so, what will happen when he learns Ariane's been stripped of her royal title?

Book 1623

Nothing could make Native American Nathan Thunder give up being a New York City police officer…except a little girl–all alone in the world–who needed a father. Returning to his Kolheek reservation to take on the safer job of sheriff, he didn't expect his heart would be in danger to teacher Gwen Fleming!

Nathan's six-year-old daughter, Charity, was a handful. Gwen found herself getting to know Nathan quite well during some pretty intense parent-teacher conferences, which soon started occurring after hours. Despite being wary of relationships, Gwen couldn't deny how her soul soared when Nathan was near. Was the attraction between the flame-haired beauty and the lawman destined to turn into love?

Book 1636

The Cinderella Inheritance

by Carolyn Zane

Published 1 January 2003

Book 1828

Nanny and the Beast

by Donna Clayton

Published 1 August 2006

Sophia Stanton has worked too hard building a thriving nanny-placement service to risk it and try juggling career and family. But when single dad Michael Taylor fires three of her nannies in quick succession, Sophia decides to confront the Beast (that's what her employees call him) directly by temporarily acting as nanny for his baby girl....

-Having been badly burned by his precious daughter's shameless mother, Michael has every Reason to distrust women. But as Sophia enters his home and gently endears herself to his daughter, the walls around his stone heart start to crumble. Awed by her beauty and caring, Michael wonders if his heart can be trusted now to make a wrong right...

Mountain Laurel

by Donna Clayton

Published 1 May 1990