The Toltec Way

by Susan Gregg

Published 16 September 2000
The gift of the Toltec is the ability to transcend ordinary human awareness and achieve personal freedom - the ability to choose how to act rather than react to the events in your life. The three Toltec Masteries of Awareness, Transformation, and Intent are the key to transcending your limitations and experiencing yourself as the creator of your life.

Designed to make Toltec wisdom accessible and simple, this book is about change, changing yourself, and the wildly empowering freedom of personal responsibility. Included in each chapter are exercises and guided visualisations. You will find that some of the most important knowledge is hidden in the parable-like stories that are scattered throughout the book.

This new edition of The Toltec Way is part of the Essential Wisdom Library, a collection of books bringing sacred wisdom to modern readers. Refreshed with a new design, inside cover printing, a new introduction by the author, and also including a foreword by don Miguel Ruiz, The Toltec Way will introduce a new generation of readers to the power of Toltec wisdom.