I Gatti Spaventati

by Audrey Wood

Published 1 December 1980
When Mother Cat allows her two youngest kittens to go on an errand all by themselves, they are delighted. But as they get further away from home the kittens are plagued by imaginary fairy tale fears. Will they make it to town safely, or will they really be scaredy cats and give up before they reach their destination? An amusing story that will help children to understand and overcome their own fears.

Rapid Com un Grill

by Audrey Wood

Published 30 November 1992
A celebration of a child's growing self awareness, and a prime example of how books can contribute to this. Whether brave or shy, strong or weak, in the end the young boy celebrates all different, apparently contradictory parts of himself.

Y Careiau Hud

by Audrey Wood

Published 30 November 1990
Matthew just can't keep his shoelaces tied and is always tripping up. When the magic man offers to swap Matthew's laces for a magic pair, he thinks his wish has come true. However, he soon realises that there are disadvantages to laces that won't come undone.