The EAL Teaching book

by Jean Conteh

Published 18 March 2015
As the number of children for whom English is an Additional Language in schools increases, how do teachers and trainees prepare to support them to succeed?

This text is their toolkit. A complete guide to understanding, learning from and teaching bilingual and EAL children in schools.

The text begins by asking 'who are EAL learners' and challenges some of the misconceptions about this group. It goes on to examine language in depth, providing focused theory to help teachers and trainees better understand the wider context of children's needs. This theory is supported by a wealth of information on practical teaching strategies and resources in the promoting learning section. The text covers planning across the curriculum for EAL, assessing EAL and bilingual learners and classroom organisation, offering day-to-day practical support for teachers.

New to this second edition is a chapter on Using home languages and cultures in learning as well many new case studies from practising teachers offering insight and knowledge on teaching this particular group.

As the number of children learning EAL in primary schools increases, it is recognised that all student teachers need to develop the professional expertise to teach them. This text encourages student teachers to carefully consider the children who come under the umbrella of EAL and provides practical strategies for inclusive teaching. It begins by questioning what we mean by EAL and goes on to cover essential theories of learning and approaches to teaching, helping the reader link theory to practice. Chapters on speaking and listening, reading and writing across the curriculum give practical guidance for teaching EAL learners.