Jonah and the Whale

by Catherine Storr

Published 9 June 1983
A simple retelling of Jonah's experiences after he disobeys God's command.

Birth of Jesus

by Catherine Storr

Published 24 February 1983
A simple retelling of the birth of Jesus; the visits by the shepherds and wise men; and the return of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus to Nazareth to live.

The Prodigal Son

by Richard Storr and Catherine Storr

Published 9 June 1983
Retells the story of the wayward son whose return home gladdened his father's heart.

Adam and Eve

by Catherine Storr

Published 9 June 1983
Retells the story of Adam and Eve's temptation in the Garden of Eden and their subsequent, ignominious departure.

First Easter

by Catherine Storr

Published 12 April 1984
Retells the story of the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Ruth's Story

by Catherine Storr

Published 8 May 1986
A retelling of the Bible story in which Ruth follows her mother-in-law Naomi from the country of Moab to the land of Judah.

Abraham and Isaac

by Catherine Storr

Published 24 January 1985
Relates the story of Abraham's fidelity to God and love for his son Isaac.

Joseph and His Brothers

by Catherine Storr

Published 24 February 1983
Retells in simple text and illustrations the Old Testament story of the conflict between Joseph and his brother.

Miracles by the Sea

by Catherine Storr

Published 9 June 1983
A simple retelling of the New Testament accounts of miracles performed by Jesus Christ.

David and Goliath

by Catherine Storr

Published 11 April 1985
A shepherd boy leads the Israelites to victory by killing the giant leader of the opposing army.

The Good Samaritan

by Catherine Storr

Published 12 April 1984
Retells the parable which defines the term "neighbor."


by Catherine Storr

Published 8 May 1986

Noah and His Ark

by Catherine Storr

Published 24 February 1983
A retelling of the story of the Flood that lasted forty days, and the Ark on which Noah, his family, and a pair of each kind of animal took refuge.

King David

by Catherine Storr

Published 8 May 1986
David serves as a brave warrior in Saul's armies against the Philistines, and after Saul's death becomes King of Israel.

Jesus Begins His Work

by Catherine Storr

Published 24 February 1983
A simple retelling of the New Testament stories of the first miracles performed by Jesus and of his calling of his twelve Apostles.

Jesus the Healer

by Catherine Storr

Published 30 January 1986
Retells the life of Jesus Christ as he teaches, preaches, and performs miracles.

Jesus and John the Baptist

by Catherine Storr

Published 9 January 1986
Retells the story of John the Baptist, who prepared the way for Jesus, and recounts the early teachings of Jesus.

The Trials of Daniel

by Catherine Storr

Published 31 October 1985
Retells the Old Testament story of Daniel's unswerving faith in God, even in a den of lions.