Book 1

Book 2

Mia in the Mix

by Coco Simon

Published 3 May 2011
When the popular girls club takes interest in Mia, she has to decide between being popular and her new cupcake club friends.

Book 3

Emma on Thin Icing

by Coco Simon

Published 30 August 2011
When Mia asks the girls in the club to be junior bridesmaids in her mother's wedding, everyone is super-excited about the idea...especially when they find the perfect dress for the occasion! It's Emma's dream dress, except it's a little more than she expected. And with her mum now out...Read more

Book 4

Alexis and the Perfect Recipe

by Coco Simon

Published 25 October 2011
Alexis Becker loves to organize and plan and set goals, which is why she is in charge of the business end of the Cupcake Club. But when she suddenly develops a major crush on Matt Taylor - who happens to be Emma's brother - things get a little disorganized.

Book 5

Katie, Batter Up!

by Coco Simon

Published 27 December 2011
Katie starts to realize that doing what you love always makes the batter sweeter.

Book 6

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Book 7

Emma All Stirred Up!

by Coco Simon

Published 24 April 2012
Emma needs a break from big-sister duty in this addition to Spotlight's treat of a tween series.Emma is not thrilled with always having to rearrange her schedule so she can babysit her younger brother, Jake. Now Emma's parents have broken some news that really threatens to push Emma over...Read more

Book 8

Alexis Cool as a Cupcake

by Coco Simon

Published 26 June 2012
The Cupcake Club learns that good leadership is a huge part of running a successful business--and friendship is the icing on the cake!

Alexis is the clear leader of the Cupcake Club: She's organized, punctual, and happy to take on the stuff like scheduling, budgets, invoicing, and the things...

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Book 8


by Coco Simon

Published 26 June 2012

Book 9

Katie and the Cupcake War

by Coco Simon

Published 21 August 2012

Book 10

Mia's Boiling Point

by Coco Simon

Published 16 October 2012

Book 10

Mia's Boiling Point

by Coco Simon

Published 16 October 2012
Mia struggles to be nice to the new girl, Olivia Allen, after she makes pains to be nice and loans her some money only to discover that Olivia spends it to buy the exact same shoes Mia has been saving for.

Mia struggles to be nice to new...Read more

Book 11

Emma, Smile and Say Cupcake!

by Coco Simon

Published 4 December 2012
Emma wants to be a model, but membership in the Cupcake Club might be all the fame she needs. Book #11

The Special Day wedding salon is running an ad in the local newspaper, and they want Emma to model in the advertisement. The ad is a huge...Read more

Book 12

Alexis Gets Frosted

by Coco Simon

Published 5 February 2013

Book 12

Alexis Gets Frosted

by Coco Simon

Published 5 February 2013

Book 13

Katie's New Recipe

by Coco Simon

Published 2 April 2013

Book 13

Katie's New Recipe

by Coco Simon

Published 6 May 2014

Book 14

MIA a Matter of Taste

by Coco Simon

Published 1 January 2013
Worrying about her fashion prospects when she learns that she has to get both braces and glasses, Mia receives help from her stylish mom and is reassured by her Cupcake Club friends that she is still the same old Mia.

Book 15

Emma puts her big sister skills--and her bravery--to the test when her brother has to stay in the hospital.
Emma's younger brother Jake has been getting sore throats for quite a while. When her parents take him to the doctor, their suspicions are confirmed: Jake needs to get...Read more

Book 16

Alexis and the Missing Ingredient

by Coco Simon

Published 15 October 2013
Alexis thinks the Cupcake Club feels incomplete-until she discovers that friendship comes in many flavors.

Alexis feels lonely and left out when Emma goes away on a family trip. Sure, Mia and Katie are her friends too, but without her BFF Emma to round out the group, Alexis...Read more