Lobito Aprende A Ser Malo

by Ian Whybrow

Published 29 November 2002
Little Wolf has been behaving too courteously, so his parents send him to his uncle's Big Bad Wolf school to learn to be a proper wolf.

Little Wolf’s Book of Badness

by Ian Whybrow

Published 6 November 1995

A new edition of the first novel about much-loved character Little Wolf from the author of the MEERKAT MADNESS books and HARRY AND THE BUCKETFUL OF DINOSAURS.

All Little Wolf wants to do is stay at home with Mum and Dad and Baby brother Smellybreff. Instead he’s packed off to Cunning College to learn the 9 Rules of Badess and earn his Gold BAD Badge from his wicked Uncle Bigbad. He sets off on his journey, sending letters home as he adventures in the big wide world.

A hilarious adventure from the author of MEERKAT MADNESS

A third Little Wolf novel told through letters. Little Wolf and friends are opening their new school where the lessons are Hunting for Gold by day and Haunting and Spooking by night.

Uncle Bigbad, `him wot died of the jumping beanbangs' and now a big bad ghost, is the star attraction of Haunted Hall School. The problem is that he will only turn up a) if it suits him and b) if there are enough baked beans in the cooking pot. Little Wolf and chums know that the ninth rule of Badness is NEVER trust a big bad wolf and our chums find out that you should NEVER, EVER trust a big bad DEAD wolf! Our cheeky little hero and his friends have to travel far and wide to find a brute beast brave enough to stand up to Uncle Bigbad, if their school is to survive. Enter Normus Bear, the latest recruit to the Little Wolf books who biffs and cuffs his way though this hilarious novel.

Little Wolf, Pack Leader

by Ian Whybrow

Published 1 January 2002

A fifth novel about this prize-winning wolfcub, illustrated by TONY ROSS.

Mum and Dad write to Little Wolf, full of praise for Spoiler, the eldest cub of a neighbour, who has formed The Murkshire RHYWP [Really Harsh Young Wolf Pack]. Determined not to be forced to join their pack, Little and Chums form their own; The Beastshire SPOBBTALOF [Small Pack of Brute Beasts That Have a Load of Fun]. They all pull in different directions and Smells in particular is a pain. Without organisation or real purpose things get messy and they all get a bit snappish. Then comes news that the RHYWP have captured Mr Twister. Stung by this shaming blow, the SPOBBTHALOF elect Little as their pack leader and decide to shape up. Armed with pooled knowledge and camping skills they head off for Murkshire and set up camp. With the aid of a wickerwork Trojan Moose [with Normus inside] and nets, knots, latrine pits, an arksellent communication network, they re-capture Mister Twister for themselves. But in a suprise move, they release their arch-enemy into the wilds. Now Uncle Bigbad is a ghost, they realise that they need one wicked old villain, otherwise they would not have such great adventures.

A sixth Little Wolf novel featuring this number one cub and pack of friends as they have the pirate adventure of a lifetime!

Following the success of the Little Wolf series internationally plus the animated film shown at Christmas 2002, a sixth Little Wolf novel will be welcomed by his many fans. Featuring all Little Wolf’s friends – Yeller, Stubbs, Normus, and that pesky little brother Smellybreff in his sailor suit. Little Wolf is a pirate cheef [sic] in this new adventure, and he is after the treasure left by a long-lost relative: Blackfur the Backbiter. But a contemporary pirate called Cap’n Froshus is determined to find the treasure too and this Cap’n Froshus has eyes that hypnotise and a strange peppery smell. Could it Little Wolf’s old adversary Mr Twister the Fox – yo ho ho and a bobble of glug, it could be!

Ian Whybrow’s inventiveness knows no bounds. He has managed to create another unique and hilarious adventure about Little Wolf, who now has millions of new fans [2.1million] through Channel 4 television’s broadcast at Christmas.