The essential subject knowledge text for primary science. Secure subject knowledge and understanding is the foundation of confident, creative and effective teaching. This comprehensive text includes interactive tasks, a self assessment section to allow trainees to better understand their level of knowledge and M level extension boxes to provide...Read more

Now with online resources to support teaching practice!

An extensive knowledge of the primary science curriculum is not enough for trainee teachers, they need to know how to teach science in the primary classroom.

This is the essential teaching theory and practice text for primary science that...

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This book has been written to support all trainee primary teachers undertaking initial teacher training courses where a secure knowledge and understanding of science is required for the award of Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). These audit and test materials will help trainees to identify their strengths and weaknesses in...Read more

This book supports trainees on primary initial teacher training courses where a secure knowledge and understanding of science is required for the award of Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). A rigorous test enables trainees to identify their strengths and weaknesses in science and this can be revisited in order to...Read more