The Final Reel

by Richard Sapir and Warren Murphy

Published 31 December 1998
Sultan Omay of Ebla is dying, and hastily makes plans to hit the Great Satan at its cultural heart--Hollywood. He hires Tinseltown's slimiest produces to make the greatest war epic ever filmed. But the extras are real soldiers, and the weapons contain live ammunition.


by Richard Sapir and Warren Murphy

Published 29 September 2016

Disloyal Opposition

by Richard Sapir and Warren Murphy

Published 29 September 2016

Waste Not, Want Not

by Richard Sapir and Warren Murphy

Published 29 September 2016

The End Of The Beginning

by Richard Sapir and Warren Murphy

Published 29 September 2016

Dragon Bones

by Richard Sapir and Warren Murphy

Published 29 September 2016

High Priestess

by Richard Sapir and Warren Murphy

Published 7 May 2015

Bully Pulpit

by Warren Murphy and R. J. Carter

Published 1 September 2023

The End of the World

by Warren Murphy

Published 1 September 2023

Trial by Fire

by James Mullaney, Warren Murphy, and Richard Sapir

Published 1 September 2023

Continental Divide

by Warren Murphy and R. J. Carter

Published 1 September 2023