Book 1

The Door Within

by Wayne Thomas Batson

Published 1 September 2005
Three ancient scrolls beckon high school student Aidan Thomas to enter a realm of knights, kings, and unusual creatures, but he must rely on instinct and his latent athletic ability to deal with the terror, tempest, and treason offered by this new world.

Book 2

Aidan's new friend Antoinette is called to the Realm, but when she arrives to rescue Robby through his Glimpse-twin, the place is in turmoil and she must decide whether to stay loyal to the one true king or join the evil side.

Book 3

The Final Storm

by Wayne Thomas Batson

Published 3 September 2006
Paragor unites with the Wyrm Lord and the Seven Sleepers to launch an assault on the kingdom of Alleble and its allies, who face the coming onslaught believing that they will be victorious with the help of the Three Witnesses.