GCSE Geography for WJEC A Option Topics brings geography to life for students and covers all the optional human and physical units for this new specification. Each of these contemporary themes allows understanding to be developed to a greater depth:

Our Changing Coastline
Weather and Climate
Living Things
Retail and Urban Change

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Achieve your best in WJEC A GCSE Geography with expert guidance for exam success.

Endorsed by WJEC and written by an experienced teacher, this revision guide has been designed to thoroughly prepare you for the WJEC A GCSE Geography examination.

- Helps you to revise the key geographical...

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GCSE Geography for WJEC Specification B is an exciting and motivating course designed to help students develop the abilities required to achieve exam success for the latest WJEC Specification B. WJEC Specification B is a direct development of the popular Avery Hill course and retains its issue-based, investigative approach...Read more

Help your students develop the abilities required to achieve exam success for the core human and physical geography topics of WJEC GCSE Geography Specification A.

Endorsed by WJEC, GCSE Option Geography for WJEC A covers all the optional human and physical topics in the specification. Each of these contemporary themes...

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GCSE Core Geography for WJEC A covers the three core human and three core physical units of this new specification, which offers students a stimulating and motivating course for the twenty-first century. The core content comprises a range of traditional and contemporary themes, inspiring and motivating students to want...

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Help your students develop the abilities required to achieve exam success for the core human and physical geography topics of WJEC GCSE Geography Specification A.

Endorsed by WJEC, GCSE Core Geography for WJEC A covers the three core human and three core physical units in the specification. The core content...

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