Book 1

Water Play

by Wendy Madgwick

Published 1 January 1998
Provides instructions for a variety of projects that demonstrate the properties and uses of water.

Book 4

Living Things

by Wendy Madgwick

Published 1 June 1998
Suggests a variety of experiments and activities to demonstrate the nature, needs, and behavior of different kinds of living things.

Book 6

On The Move

by Wendy Madgwick

Published 31 October 1998

Why is ice slippy? What are gears? How do trainers help you to run faster? How do you keep your balance? What is wind power? All these questions and many more are answered in On the Move, which explores the different aspects of forces and movement.

Science Starters introduces younger readers to science in a structured but lively way. Each book explores an aspect of science. Activities and experiments, designed to make learning fun, complement the scientific points outlined in the simple introductory text.

Book 7

Super Sound

by Wendy Madgwick

Published 1 January 1998
Provides instructions for a variety of projects that demonstrate the properties and uses of sound.

Book 8

Super Materials

by Wendy Madgwick

Published 31 July 1998
Provides instructions for various experiments and activities involving metal, plastic, fabrics, wood, paper, and other types of materials.

Book 11

Magnets and Sparks

by Wendy Madgwick

Published 1 January 1998
Provides instruction for a variety of projects demonstrating the properties and uses of magnets and electricity.

Living Things Sb

by Wendy Madgwick

Published 1 June 1998

Up in the Air

by Wendy Madgwick

Published 1 January 1998
Provides instructions for a variety of projects that demonstrate the properties and uses of air.

Super Materials Sb

by Wendy Madgwick

Published 1 June 1998

Super Materials Hb

by Wendy Madgwick and Wendy Medgwick

Published 1 January 1999

Light and Dark Sb

by Wendy Madgwick

Published 1 June 1998

Light and Dark

by Wendy Madgwick

Published 1 June 1998
Experiments and activities present the properties of light and demonstrate how it can be bent, reflected in a mirror, and used to make shadows, rainbows, and moving pictures.

On the Move Sb

by Wendy Madgwick

Published 1 June 1998
Provides instructions for a variety of activities which introduce some basic principles of physics.

Up in the Air

by Wendy Madgwick

Published 31 March 1998
This book contains fun experiments to explain science concepts relating to the air around us, such as air pressure, air temperature, and wind power. There are questions within the text to motivate children to talk about the experiments to find out more.