Book 3

The Earth

by Tim Furniss

Published 31 July 1999
Earth is just the right distance from the Sun to have water on its surface and th right gases in its atmosphere, and can therfore sustain many different living things. This book explains how the Earth works as a planet in the solar system, with the different concepts of time, day and night, and gravity simply explained. The "Spinning Through Space" series aims to explore space through the Earth and the surrounding solar system. It contains various measurments including temperature, size and distance and each book has a section of how humans have explored the subject using different spacecraft. The topic web, notes for teachers, and further information help readers to explore further into space.

Book 9

The Moon

by Tim Furniss

Published 30 June 1999
This book explains what we know about the moon from space exploration to the moon's effect on Earth. It also describes how the moon's pockmarked surface was created and why it seems to change shape over a month It is part of a series which takes a view of space from the Earth's surface, giving space a dimension that the reader can follow easily whilst gaining a sense of distance and history. The simple sciences of space are expanded upon within the context of each book.

Book 33

The Sun

by Tim Furniss

Published 30 June 1999
This book explains the sun's position in the solar system and its importance to Earth. Shadows, hours of daylight and night, eclipses and different facts about the Sun's make up are expanded upon. It is part of a series, which takes a view of space from the Earth's surface giving space a dimension that the reader can follow easily whilst gaining a sense of distance and history. The simple sciences of space are described within the context of each book.

Book 36

The Solar System

by Tim Furniss

Published 31 July 1999
Explaining how the solar system works as the sun's family, this book describes the individual planets with their sometimes unique features and moons. Space debris such as comets and meteors are also touched upon. It is part of a series which takes a view of space from the Earth's surface. The facts in each book give space a dimension that the reader can follow easily whilst gaining a sense of distance and history. The simple sciences of space are expanded upon within the context of each book.