Eat Well?

by Claire Llewellyn

Published 19 April 2001
Monica used to love eating nothing but cakes, fizzy drinks, burgers, chips and pizza. Her mum and dad encouraged her to eat other kinds of food, but Monica wasn't interested. That was until she met a girl called Rachel. Rachel liked eating things like salad. She told Monica all the terrible things that would happen to her if she kept drinking fizzy drinks and eating fatty foods, and never ate fresh fruit and vegetables. Now Monica eats as well as Rachel. She really enjoys eating this way, and just occassionally, she can still have a treat!

Why Should I Share?

by Claire Llewellyn

Published 19 July 2001
Tim is in trouble with his mum because he won't share with his little brother Jack. He goes next door to visit the twins. Kay and Kathy grew up sharing things. He plays with them all afternoon and begins to see that sharing makes things more fun. A football or a pet, for example, is so much more enjoyable if you share it with others. Tim lets Jack share his walkman. Later, Jack offers him a piece of his cake. Tim sees that once you learn to share with others, they may well learn to share with you!

Why Should I Listen?

by Claire Llewellyn

Published 19 April 2001
The boy at the centre of this book finds it hard to listen, and consequently gets into all sorts of trouble, such as getting lost in a museum and having to wear a really embarrassing pair of swimming trunks at a friend's party. However, he feels lonely and invisible when no one listens to him, so now he makes an extra special effort to listen, and finds that sometimes listening can bring nice things, such as ice cream!

Why Should I Help?

by Claire Llewellyn

Published 19 July 2001
There are always jobs to do around the house, and sometimes the little girl at the centre of this story doesn't feel like helping. She's too busy playing. Then her dad reminds her of the times she's been helped by people, such as when she lost her pet rabbit, Squeaky, and everyone helped search for him. The little girl realises that all sorts of people need help from time to time, including herself, and she decides that from now on she will always offer to lend a helping hand.


by Claire Llewellyn

Published 17 January 2002
Tim is in trouble with his mum because he won't share with his little brother Jack. He goes next door to visit the twins. Kay and Kathy grew up sharing things. He plays with them all afternoon and begins to see that sharing makes things more fun. A football or a pet, for example, is so much more enjoyable if you share it with others. Tim lets Jack share his walkman. Later, Jack offers him a piece of his cake. Tim sees that once you learn to share with others, they may well learn to share with you!