Statistics Demystified

by Stan Gibilisco

Published 21 May 2004
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MULTIPLY your chances of learning STATISTICS

Trying to understand statistics but feeling a bit uncertain? Here's your solution. Statistics Demystifed, Second Edition helps you...

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Technical Math Demystified

by Stan Gibilisco

Published 1 January 2006

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Here is a complete self-teaching guide for anyoneneeding knowledge of math as it applies toengineering and technical fields.

Geometry Demystified

by Stan Gibilisco

Published 1 January 2003
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A new ANGLE to learning GEOMETRY

Trying to understand geometry but feel like you're stuck in another dimension? Here's your solution. Geometry Demystified, Second...

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Everyday Math Demystified

by Stan Gibilisco

Published 1 January 2004
Say goodbye to dry presentations, gruelling formulas, and abstract theories that would put Einstein to sleep, now there's an easier way to master the disciplines you really need to know

Everyday Math Demystified has everything you need to know about essential mathematics, including arithmetic, ratios, and proportions, working with money,...

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Optics Demystified

by Stan Gibilisco

Published 1 January 2009

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An enlightening guide to optics

Are you in the dark when it comes to understanding the science of optics? Now there's a glimmer in...

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Logic DeMYSTiFied

by Tony Boutelle and Stan Gibilisco

Published 1 January 2010

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Making sense of LOGIC just got a whole lot EASIER!

Stumped trying to understand logic? It's time to listen to reason! There's no doubt...

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Meteorology Demystified

by Stan Gibilisco

Published 31 October 2005
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Wondering about weather? Learn Mother Nature's secrets

Meteorology Demystified presents a complete explanation of essential physical and scientific concepts before delving into a more...

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Astronomy Demystified

by Stan Gibilisco

Published 1 January 2002
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Want to master astronomy or aerospace...

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Math Proofs Demystified

by Stan Gibilisco

Published 1 January 2005
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Almost every student has to study some sort of mathematical proofs, whether it be in geometry, trigonometry, or...Read more

Electricity Demystified

by Stan Gibilisco

Published 11 February 2005
Electricity is a strong topic for McGraw-Hill, as seen with our tremendous sales figures with the TAB list. The books sell well across nearly every channel, and are extremely well received internationally. Electricity Demystified is a self-teaching guide intended for anybody who wants to get familiar with the basic...Read more

Alternative Energy Demystified

by Stan Gibilisco

Published 13 November 2006

The fast and easy way to get up-to-speed on alternative energy

Because of current events, geopolitics, and natural disasters, the cost of fuel is front and center in our lives. This book provides a concise look at all forms of energy, including fossil fuels, electric, solar, biodiesel, nuclear, hydroelectric,...

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Physics Demystified

by Stan Gibilisco

Published 1 January 2002

Now anyone with an interest in the physical sciences can master physics -- without formal training or drowning in a sea of complicated formulas and equations. In Physics Demystified best-selling author Stan Gibilisco offers a fun, effective, and totally...

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Electronics Demystified

by Stan Gibilisco

Published 9 September 2004
Shock yourself by learning electronics. Now anyone with an interest in electronics can master it by reading this book. In "Electronics Demystified", best-selling science and math writer Stan Gibilisco provides an effective and painless way to understand the electronics that power so much of modern life. With "Electronics Demystified",...Read more

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Understanding PHYSICS just got a whole lot EASIER!

Stumped trying to make sense of physics? Here's your solution. Physics Demystified, Second Edition helps you...

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Trigonometry Demystified

by Stan Gibilisco

Published 1 January 2003
Calculate this: Trigonometry just got a lot easier to learn! Now anyone with an interest in basic, practical trigonometry can master it - without formal training, unlimited time, or a genius IQ. In "Trigonometry Demystified", best-selling author Stan Gibilisco provides a fun, effective, and totally painless way to learn...Read more

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DeMYSTiFieD is your solution for tricky subjects like trigonometry

If you think a Cartesian coordinate is something from science fiction or a hyperbolic tangent...

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