Book 3

Book 15

Book 24

Set in 1497, this story is seen through the eyes of Sebastian Cabot - then a boy of fourteen and later to become a famous explorer in his own right - who accompanied his father on the historic voyage aboard the Matthew when they discovered Newfoundland on the northeast coast of America. This wonderfully illustrated story gives a real feeling for the life and outlook in Tudor times, and the excitement and danger of sea voyages.


by Margaret Nash

Published 14 June 2001
This story - set in Victorian times - is about Annie, who has a job at a mill in the mornings before she goes to school. The story gives a good feel for the period and the place, glances into homes and schools, and gives a strong insight into the life of child workers in the mills of Victorian Britain - how they were treated and the dangers inherent in the job. A strong theme is the reform movement, and there is an appearance by the great mill owner and reformer Titus Salt.


by Margaret Nash

Published 14 June 2001
This story - set in Victorian times - is about Annie, who has a job at a mill in the mornings before she goes to school. The story gives a good feel for the period and the place, glances into homes and schools, and gives a strong insight into the life of child workers in the mills of Victorian Britain - how they were treated and the dangers inherent in the job. A strong theme is the reform movement, and there is an appearance by the great mill owner and reformer Titus Salt.


by Margaret Nash

Published 31 August 1998
Isaac's father is a ganger, building Marc Brunel's Box Tunnel which will complete the railway line between London and Bristol. This book attempts to show through Isaac's eyes Brunel's theories on engineering and construction.