Robbie and the Alien

by Margaret Ryan

Published 31 July 1999

Robbie and the Pirate

by Margaret Ryan

Published 31 July 1999

Harry and the Tiger

by Margaret Ryan

Published 17 May 2001
It's spring time and Harry and his class are going on an exciting visit to a farm. They'll meet lambs, ducklings and piglets. But what Harry really wants to see is a tiger. Silly Harry! You don't get tigers on farms - do you? This story features visual and textual information about spring and the changes to our environment at that time of the year.

Harry's Footprints

by Margaret Ryan and Ben Cort

Published 20 September 2001
It's Winter time, and Harry wants to be the first to stamp his footprints in the snow. Can Harry put on his gloves, anorak and boots before the rest of his family get out there too? This story features visual and textual information about summer and the changes to our environment at that time of year.

Harry Keeps His Cool

by Margaret Ryan

Published 17 May 2001
It's summertime, and Harry's feeling hot hot hot! He's in the garden with his family, finding ways to cool down. Now he's got hold of the garden hose - Oh, no! Don't do that, Harry!

Tidy Up, Harry!

by Margaret Ryan and Ben Cort

Published 20 September 2001
It's Autumn time and Harry's sweeping leaves and collecting apples. It's very hard work. But Harry has forgotten that Autumn leaves make bonfires, and apples make toffee apples! May be Autumn will be fun after all! This story features visual and textual information about summer and the changes to our environment at that time of year.