The Treasure Map

by Jan Burchett and Sara Vogler

Published 1 August 2013

When Sam's crewmate, Harry Hopp, wins an ancient treasure map while playing cards, he is disappointed to find that the treasure lies at the heart of a famous cave complex. The treasure is legendary - and so is the fact that all those who seek it get lost in the labyrinth!

Sam is convinced that with the aid of the map, he can find the treasure, but if he's wrong he could be doomed to wander the caves for ever...

The Double-cross

by Jan Burchett and Sara Vogler

Published 4 April 2013

How to become an Undercover Pirate...
1) Have a pirate captain as your ancient ancestor
2) Find a message in a bottle and a magic gold doubloon
3) Get whisked back in time to join a pirate crew
4) When you get home DON'T TELL ANYONE. Remember - you're undercover!

Captain Blade's old enemy, Blackheart, is out for revenge. With his ruthless crew he's determined to steal the Sea Wolf. Can Sam and the pirates outwit their deadly enemy?

Dead Man's Hand

by Jan Burchett and Sara Vogler

Published 5 December 2013
Transported back in time to the pirate ship Sea Wolf on the Caribbean Sea, Sam arrives to find the crew sharing out a new haul of treasure! Amidst the gold and jewels, Sam finds a gruesome skeletal hand clutching an ancient relic. It doesn't look important, but could it lead to greater riches? Sam is determined to find out but others are also on the trail. Can he solve the riddles, outwit his enemies and find the treasure?