Book 1

Red Star

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 7 July 2011

Red Star is Keira's own beloved pony - an athletic strawberry roan who is affectionate and loyal and has been part of Keira's life since she was three years old. Keira loves this pony more than anything else in the world - Red Star can do all the cowboy stuff - spins, sliding stops, roping and rounding up cattle. And he seems to read Keira's mind. 'You'd think he was almost human!' big sister Brooke says.
So one night when he goes missing, Keira at first thinks he worked out the latch on his stable door and has snuck out looking for feed. But she searches the grain store and the hay barn and can't find him anywhere. Panic sets in - if Red Star took off into the mountains, there are dangers out there for a lone pony - coyotes, bears, even mountain lions. Anyway, he's too smart to get himself into that kind of fix. 'Maybe somebody stole him!' Brooke suggests. So Keira and her family turn detective to track Red Star down.


by Jenny Oldfield

Published 3 November 2011

Keira is thrilled when two high bred ponies - Vegas and Snickers - arrive at the ranch, but she soon falls out with the owner's spoiled son, Rex.

It's bad enough that Rex breaks her dad's rules, but when he mistreats poor Snickers Keira faces a tough choice: confront Rex and lose valuable business, or keep quiet and risk Snickers coming to serious harm?

Ghost Horse

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 3 November 2011

It's snowing in springtime! Out tobogganing with friends, Keira spots a ghostly horse and rider high on the frozen mountain.

She's worried. Are the mysterious pair on the run? Are they even real? And if they are, how long can they survive in the icy wilderness?


by Jenny Oldfield

Published 7 July 2011

Reed Walters' new pony, Wildflower, is beautiful but untrained. Keira warns Reed not to push her too hard, but he insists on showing her off at the local rodeo.

Disaster strikes: Wildflower bolts from the arena. Keira and her sister head off into a snowstorm to find her, forgetting the one golden rule - always stick together ...

Miss Molly

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 1 September 2011

Keira's home is Black Pearl Ranch, where she helps train ponies and lives the dream ...

Sable Lucas's parents are organising a surprise birthday gift for her - a beautiful sorrel pony called Miss Molly! Keira's dad is given the job of training up the nervy pony and making her spook-proof in only three weeks.

The day soon comes to unveil Sable's surprise, but something goes horribly wrong. What has got into Miss Molly? Determined to find out, Keira turns pony detective to uncover what's really going on ...


by Jenny Oldfield

Published 1 September 2011
Stormcloud has all the bad habits of an ex-rodeo pony rolled into one. He nips and bites, bucks and rears, kicks out and rides through the bit. Worse still, he tunes in to a nervous rider's worst fears. Keira's uncle, Kevin, has rescued Stormy from the sale barn, paying rock bottom price for a worn out, world weary horse that no one wants. He brings him to Black Pearl Ranch, saying, "If you can make something of him and sell him on to a decent owner, you can keep the profit." Keira jumps at the challenge - taking Stormy back to basics, re-schooling him and treating him right. Will Stormy respond? Or have years of mistreatment soured him for good?