Rex and her best friend Pinky are upset to learn that their friend and neighbor Mrs. Morgan is moving, and it looks like a family with an obnoxious boy named Ollie is set to move in.

Seven-year-old Pinky, a confirmed dog lover, has a change of heart after his family's new pet kitten pounces on his foot in the middle of the night.

Early readers will love joining best friends Pinky and Rex on their many adventures!

Pinky and Rex are looking forward to a camping adventure with their dads. They'll hike in the woods and roast marshmallows over a campfire. But a thunderstorm has come along to ruin all their plans. How can the best friends save their double-dad weekend?

Pinky and Rex is the perfect series for early readers learning to read and navigate friendships!

Pinky really wants to be an actor and is sure he'll get the lead in the school play. Rex, on the other hand, wants nothing to do with being on stage. She's afraid she'll forget her lines—or worse. Everything changes when Pinky convinces Rex to go with him to the tryouts. Will Pinky and Rex still be best friends when the show is over?

Pinky and Rex and the Bully

by James Howe

Published 1 April 1996
Pinky learns the importance of identity as he defends his favorite color, pink, and his friendship with a girl, Rex, from the neighborhood bully.

Rex's parents are adopting a baby, and Rex doesn't like the idea at all. Suppose her parents are so busy with the new baby they forget about her?
So she comes up with a plan. If she can be the perfect big sister, her parents will have to pay attention to her. The trouble is, being the perfect big sister is a lot of work, and it doesn't leave time for much else -- like her best friend, Pinky.