Born at Chequers as the bombs fell in 1940, the grandson of Britain's wartime leader, Winston S. Churchill's childhood included Blitz-torn London as well as sunnier peacetime days at his grandfather's Chartwell home. His memories include his father, Randolph Churchill, brilliant journalist but failed politician; and his mother, the sparkling centre of a distinguished circle of friends. But primarily he shows us Winston, the most famous Englishman of the century as a loving and playful grandfather, and in hitherto unpublished family letters. Embarking on a career as a war correspondent he covered conflicts in Yemen, the Congo and Borneo. He participated in airstrikes in Vietnam and reported the Middle East War of 1967. An ardent pilot, he gives us an account of his 20,000-mile flight in a single-engine plane around Africa, of meetings with Emperor Haile Selassie, and of eating crocodile-meat with Albert Schweitzer in the equatorial jungle. In this book Winston S.Churchill, himself elected to Parliament as the youngest Conservative MP in 1970, combines family memories and the adventures of a young man eager to see action and the world. Winston S.
Churchill is the author of three previous books - "First Journey", "The Six-Day War" (with Randolph Churchil) and "Defending the West".