A Roguish Gentleman

by Mary Brendan

Published 1 February 2001
Viscount Stratton's reputation preceded him: an adventurer and dare-devil, he was renowned for his beautiful mistresses. Owed money by Lady Elizabeth Rowe's family, his only hope of repayment was through her sizeable dowry. Already a wealthy man, why had Stratton actually agreed to marry her? Particularly as her own reputation was sullied by scandal! Was it for love...or revenge?

The Wanton Bride

by Mary Brendan

Published 1 December 2006
Mark Hunter managed to vex her at every opportunity-and seemed to enjoy doing so! However, to prevent a family scandal, Emily Beaumont must turn to him for help. Mark was more than happy to be of service to the delectable Miss Beaumont; with her quick wit and determined spirit she always made deliciously diverting company. But Mark soon discovered that Emily truly was in danger...With disgrace just a breath away, Emily ached for Mark's strong arms to comfort her. Yet she held a secret-one that would surely prevent any gentleman from considering her as a suitable bride...

The Silver Squire

by Mary Brendan

Published 1 January 2000
Miss Emma Worthington knew she could not be persuaded to marry to save her father from debt, so she ran away to Bath. Only Richard Du Quesne was there, showing every sign of wanting to save her from herself. Was there nowehere she could hide from the man known as the Silver Squire -- and did she really want to?

The Virtuous Courtesan

by Mary Brendan

Published 1 May 2008
Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuries Inherited: one mistress! Gavin Stone discovers on his brother's death that, to inherit his estate, he must also take on his mistress! Gavin never thought that claiming his inheritance could be so pleasurable...Sarah is horrified - she never thought she would be passed on as if she were a chattel - but what choice does she have? And Gavin will expect a practised seducer when, in reality, she is as unschooled as a debutante! But just maybe an innocent courtesan is what it will take to thaw this rake's heart...

A Practical Mistress

by Mary Brendan

Published 3 March 2006

The Rake And The Rebel

by Mary Brendan

Published 5 August 2005
Silver Meredith is vulnerable to the worst sort of scandal after an attempted elopement goes wrong. Her reputation and her future depend on one man... Adam, Marquess of Rockingham is still smarting from the rejection of the only woman to whom he's ever proposed marriage - Silver Meredith. And now her fate is in Adam's hands...

Wedding Night Revenge

by Mary Brendan

Published 1 October 2001

No. H1143

Notorious rake, reckless widow

Snowbound with society's most notorious rake, Ruth Hayden has to use every ounce of her defiant spirit to keep from falling into his arms. But behind his charm Sir Clayton Powell hides the pain and humiliation of a past betrayal.

Her life marked with scandal, Ruth knows what it is to struggle on the fringes of society, but even she is shocked by the vicious gossip circulating about him. Recklessly, she seeks to silence the rumour mill - by announcing their engagement. Then wonders how Clayton will take advantage of the situation...

A Kind And Decent Man

by Mary Brendan

Published 1 December 1999


Mrs. Victoria Hart, recently widowed, suddenly found herself impoverished. Her only hope of financial aid was David, Viscount Courtenay–the man who'd loved and cherished her before abandoning her seven years previously.

Suggesting a marriage of convenience, Victoria was horrified when David offered a different bargain instead–be his mistress!

A Date With Dishonour

by Mary Brendan

Published 1 January 2013


When a mysterious lady advertises her charms in the newspaper there’s no way Viscount Blackthorne will allow his rash friend to attend the twilight rendezvous. Taking his place, Blackthorne is surprised by the reluctant beauty who appears – she’s far from the scheming courtesan he was expecting.

Elise Dewey must protect her foolish sister by posing as ‘Lady Lonesome’ in her stead. She’s shockingly stirred by the imposing stranger who waits for her in Vauxhall Gardens – but their liaison has been observed… And unless Elise accepts the Viscount’s bold proposal of marriage they will all be plunged into scandal!

Mr. Trelawney's Proposal

by Mary Brendan

Published 1 November 1998
Miss Rebecca Nash had needed a friend five years ago, but now Robin, Lord Ramsden was dead, and his heir, Luke Trelawney, intended to wind up the estate and return to Cornwall, preferably with Rebecca as his mistress! She had other ideas!

Dangerous Lord, Seductive Miss

by Mary Brendan

Published 1 February 2011


Heiress Deborah Cleveland jilted an earl for Randolph Chadwicke. He promised he would come back for her. But then he disappeared…

Seven years later Randolph, now Lord Buckland, bursts back into Deborah’s life! She’s unmarried and penniless, he’s as sinfully attractive as ever – but this time he isn’t offering marriage… Worst of all, he seems to be involved with the murderous local smugglers. Can Deborah resist the dark magnetism of the lawless lord?

Regency Rogues

Ripe for a scandal. Ready for a bride.

The Rake's Ruined Lady

by Mary Brendan

Published 1 January 2014

Dishonourable intentions on his mind!

Beatrice Dewey keeps falling for unsuitable men… She believes the man she loved, Hugh Kendrick, is lost to her for ever, and now her new fiancé has cancelled their wedding!

But then Hugh re-enters her life, trailing rumours of illicit love affairs in his wake. Instead of marriage he offers her a very public, passionate kiss! To succumb to his skilful seduction would be the ultimate road to ruin, but is there enough of the old Hugh left to convince Bea to give him another chance?

Chivalrous Rake, Scandalous Lady

by Mary Brendan

Published 1 September 2010
Once he offered for her hand...Beautiful recluse Miss Jemma Bailey is mortified when her interfering cousin implores Marcus Speer to marry her! Jemma has spent years trying to forget her passionate response to Marcus's seductive touch, and the scandal when she rejected his proposal. But the ruthless gleam in Marcus's eyes tells Jemma he remembers everything! ...now he'll take her virtue! Marcus won't let the alluring Jemma go until he's exacted his long-awaited revenge for her debutante flirtation - he'll bed her rather than wed her! Though soon this isn't nearly enough...Regency Rogues Ripe for a scandal. Ready for a bride.