Book 2

Numbers Old and New

by Irving Adler and Ruth Adler

Published 1 December 1960

Book 8

The Earth's Crust

by Irving Adler and Ruth Adler

Published 1 December 1963

Book 13


by Irving Adler and Ruth Adler

Published June 1966

Book 18


by Irving Adler and Ruth Adler

Published July 1968
A history and survey of coal and coal mining, from its formation in the earth to its use as fuel.

Book 19


by Irving Adler and Ruth Adler

Published November 1968


by Irving Adler and Ruth Adler

Published 1 December 1967

Story of a Nail

by Irving Adler and Ruth Adler

Published December 1961


by Irving Adler and Ruth Adler

Published April 1968


by Irving Adler and Ruth Adler

Published April 1968

Directions and Angles

by Irving Adler and Ruth Adler

Published 1 April 1969

Things That Spin

by Irving Adler and Ruth Adler

Published December 1961


by Irving Adler and Ruth Adler

Published December 1961


by Irving Adler and Ruth Adler

Published 28 August 1970

Insects and Plants

by Irving Adler and Ruth Adler

Published 1 January 1962

How and Why?

by Irving Adler

Published May 1965


by Irving Adler and Ruth Adler

Published December 1963


by Irving Adler and Ruth Adler

Published 30 January 1970

Atoms and Molecules

by Irving Adler and Ruth Adler

Published October 1969


by Irving Adler and Ruth Adler

Published 1 January 1965


by Irving Adler and Ruth Adler

Published December 1962