Book 1

Dead I Well May Be

by Adrian McKinty

Published 16 September 2003
This is a riveting, muscular thriller set amid the gang violence of early 90s New York. The reader guns unswervingly for McKinty's hero - the green-eyed, quick-witted Michael Forsyth - during his brief career as henchman to a crime boss, his fall from grace and subsequent imprisonment. Michael?s escape from a Mexican jail and tortuous return to New York is an exhilarating, unforgettable sequence that culminates in a clinical and bloody denouement. A masterclass in revenge narrative, Dead I Well May Be delivers explosive action with gallows humour and a poet's touch.

Book 2

The Dead Yard

by Adrian McKinty

Published 1 January 2006
It's been five years since Michael Forsythe slaughtered Darkey White and his crew of thugs in Harlem. Five years spent in the Witness Protection Program with a price on his head and not much to do with his days. Allowed to take a holiday at last, Michael heads to Spain, but he's arrested after a football riot between Irish and Brits and brought to a Spanish prison. Enter British intelligence agent Samantha Caudwell, who offers Michael a deal: spend ten years in jail under new riot laws, or go on a special assignment to infiltrate an IRA sleeper cell in New England. As The Dead Yard unfolds, Michael insinuates himself into the terror cell's inner circle. He crosses and double-crosses, escapes his own lies by a hair's breadth, falls in love, kills, and kills, and kills again.

Book 3

The Bloomsday Dead

by Adrian McKinty

Published 1 January 2006
Part 3 of The Dead Trilogy Michael Forsythe might be, as one of his assailants puts it, 'un-fucking-killable', but that doesn't seem to deter people from trying. He's living in Lima, reasonably well-hidden by the FBI's Witness Protection Program, but Bridget Callaghan, whose fiance he murdered twelve years ago, has an enduring wish to see him dead. So when her two assassins pass him the phone to speak to her before they kill him, Michael thinks she just wants to relish the moment. In fact, out of desperation, she is giving him a chance to redeem himself. All he has to do is return to Ireland and find her missing daughter. Before midnight.Tenacious and brutal, with the hunted man's instinct for trouble, Forsythe leaves a trail of mayhem as he tries to end the bloody feud once and for all. The Bloomsday Dead pulsates with break-neck action and wry literary references; McKinty's distinctly Irish voice packs a ferocious punch.