Pakistan, the People

by Carolyn Black

Published 20 October 2002
This title is intended for ages 9-14. Pakistan's history, climate, and geography have shaped many of the customs and practices of its people. This fascinating new book follows the history of Pakistan's culture and religion and portrays modern daily life. Topics included are: early empires, the arrival of Buddhism, and the Moghul Empire; the British Raj and Pakistan's struggle for independence; Pakistan's peoples, including non-Muslim minorities; traditional shalwar kameez clothing and women in Purdah; village life and city life and children's chores; favourite foods, including curries and chai; a day at school; and games and pastimes, including cricket and polo.

Pakistan, the Culture

by Carolyn Black

Published 20 October 2002
This book is intended for ages 9-14. Pakistan is a new nation with ancient cultures and traditions. It explores the country's religions, languages, celebrations, and practices. Topics included are: the different sects of Islam; Ramadan, Eid, Muharram; the Basant kite festival; arts and crafts, including calligraphy and pottery; carpet making; the Sufi poetry tradition and Qawwali singing; Moghul architecture; and common sayings.

Pakistan, the Land

by Carolyn Black

Published 20 October 2002
This book is intended for ages 9-14. From the Indus Plain to the Himalaya, it explores the varied geography of a place shaped by extremes in climate and precipitation. Children will enjoy learning about Pakistan's ancient archaeological sites, city and rural life, and industry and transportation. Topics included are: the famous Indus River and Thar Desert; four enormous mountain ranges, including the Himalaya; monsoon rains and flooding; exotic cities and their beguiling bazaars; the Indus Valley civilisation; the world's largest irrigation system; mountain glaciers; and the winding and often dangerous Karadoram Highway.


by Carolyn Black

Published 1 October 2002