Don't Panic

by Alice Harman

Published 31 July 2020

Build Resilience

by Alice Harman

Published 31 July 2020

Boost Your Brain

by Alice Harman

Published 31 July 2020

How can you supercharge your powers of concentration? What exactly is an Easyometer? Could making up silly games help you Discover how to work smarter in fun ways that will help you take on big challenges and daily tasks with a healthier, happier mindset.

Think Positive

by Alice Harman

Published 31 July 2020

Help children, aged 7 plus, focus on the good rather than the bad on any situation. This book is packed with fun and varied ways for children to think positively, celebrate their succcesses and appreciate what they have.

Grow your Mind is a series of books that explore how we...

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Grow Your Mind: Don't Panic

by Alice Harman

Published 26 March 2020

Help children, aged 7 plus, stay calm and turn 'can't' into 'can'. This book is packed with fun and varied ways for children to improve concentration, positivity, confidence and mental wellbeing in a way that works for them.

Grow your Mind is a series of books that explore how...

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Grow Your Mind: Build Resilience

by Alice Harman

Published 10 September 2020

Help children, aged 7 plus, build their resilience with this accessible and fun guide.
This book is packed with fun and varied ways for children to improve positivity, confidence and mental well-being in a way that works for them. It helps children focus on efforts, rather than outcomes, view...

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Grow Your Mind: Face Your Fears

by Alice Harman

Published 12 November 2020

Help children, aged 7 plus, face their fears and worries!

This book is packed with fun and varied ways for children to improve positivity, confidence and mental well-being in a way that works for them. The book has ideas for overcoming all sorts of issues with tips and practical...

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Help children, aged 7 plus, boost their brains! This book is packed with fun and varied ways for children to improve concentration, positivity, confidence and mental wellbeing in a way that works for them.

Grow your Mind is a series of books that explore how we develop a 'Growth...

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Grow Your Mind: Work Smarter

by Alice Harman

Published 10 September 2020

Help children, aged 7 plus, work smarter with this accessible and fun guide. This book is packed with fun and varied ways for children to improve positivity, confidence and mental wellbeing in a way that works for them. It helps children develop habits and systems to help make their...

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Ask for Help

by Alice Harman

Published 31 July 2020

What does it mean to be brave? Could picturing yourself not being afraid actually make you feel better? How can we manage the little steps and big leaps along our journey toward facing fear? Discover how to face your fears in positive ways that will help you take on...Read more