20 primary works • 32 total works
Be set free to pursue God's purpose for your life. God wants to set you free. No more bondage. No more fear. No more living as a slave to sin. Sound like a dream? God is in the business of making these kinds of dreams a reality. He is...
Read moreBe set free to pursue God's purpose for your life. God wants to set you free. No more bondage. No more fear. No more living as a slave to sin. Sound like a dream? God is in the business of making these kinds of dreams a reality. He is committed to giving you a life of incredible significance, and he has already done all that is necessary to break the chains that keep you from it. In Significance, you will discover a strategy for becoming all God wants you to be. God has a plan for you to walk in tremendous purpose, and he has provided the power needed to put this plan into action. But first, the chains that hold you back must be destroyed. This series of studies maps out God's road to freedom and significance. Every journey begins with one step. Are you ready to take it? Interactions-a powerful and challenging tool for building deep relationships between you and your group members, and you and God. Interactions is far more than another group Bible study. It's a cutting-edge series designed to help small group participants develop into fully devoted followers of Christ.
ARE YOU READY TO CELEBRATE? A stadium full of football fans jump to their feet and cheer with deafening volume when a game-winning pass is caught. Family members gather every year to give gifts and sing choruses of Happy Birthday. Friends congregate just to have a party ... they...
Read moreARE YOU READY TO CELEBRATE? A stadium full of football fans jump to their feet and cheer with deafening volume when a game-winning pass is caught. Family members gather every year to give gifts and sing choruses of Happy Birthday. Friends congregate just to have a party ... they hardly need a reason. In the Bible God instituted festivals and feasts. There is something in the human spirit that loves to rejoice, shout, and celebrate ... and God likes it that way. We were created for celebration, and the focal point of our praise should always be God. When we get glimpses of His character, expressions of joy should spontaneously erupt. God is a refuge; He is generous and righteous, full of extravagant love toward us. The Maker of heaven and earth is relational, He guides us, and He will never leave us. It's time to discover God's character and make Him the focal point of our celebration.