Continents of the World

by Toby Reynolds

Published 10 August 2018
This colorful atlas of the world makes it easy for readers to locate specific information such as famous landmarks, festivals around the world, farming facts, food and drink, natural wonders, ancient wonders, and much more. Divided by continents and regions, this engaging book uses maps, images, and a numbering system to present fascinating information, facts, and figures in an easy-to-absorb fashion.

Animals of the World

by Toby Reynolds

Published 10 August 2018
Want to know if the Canada lynx lives in any other countries, or where not to go if you don't want to run into a venomous cottonmouth snake? This vibrant atlas is packed with eye-catching images of animals and their ecosystems and territories. Useful maps and text provide readers with easy-to-access geographic and biological information on animals that live throughout the world.