Book 1

First Hero

by Adam Blade

Published 1 July 2010
Tanner, a young boy living in the land of Avantia, has been chosen by a magnificent Beast - the young phoenix Firepos - to be her rider. It is their destiny to seek three other Beasts, and their Chosen Riders - for they have an epic task to undertake. Together they must do battle with the cruel warlord Derthsin and his terrible armies of destruction...

Book 2

Chasing Evil

by Adam Blade

Published 7 October 2010
As Tanner, Gwen, and their Beasts Firepos and Gulkien continue their search for the pieces of the Mask of Death, they face betrayal from Gwen's twin brother Geffen, and discover a new Beast-Rider pair--Castor and Nera.

Call to War

by Adam Blade

Published 3 February 2011

Tanner, his Beast Firepos, and his companions are on a perilous mission to save the land of Avantia from the evil warlord Derthsin. They must locate the pieces of a powerful artifact called the Mask of Death, before it is too late.

Avantia now burns in the fires of war. Derthsin's evil armies swarm the land, and Tanner and the Chosen Riders are all that stand in their way.

Will they encounter more Beasts on their treacherous journey to the Southern Caves? And will the dark forces that seek control of Tanner prevent the Riders from fulfilling their destiny...?

Fire and Fury

by Adam Blade

Published 26 November 2013

Fire and Fury

by Adam Blade

Published 7 July 2011

The war for Avantia has reached a terrifying climax. Tanner and his companions must face their nemesis, Warlord Derthsin, amongst the deadly flames of his volcanic lair.

If they fail, Derthsin will wear the Mask of Death and Avantia will be destroyed. Can the companions face the end together, or will Derthsin's evil tear them apart?