It betrays the brightest hopes of individuals, drives families apart, incites organizational turmoil and pitches nations into chaos. What malignant seed grows in the human mind that not only prevents individuals from "thinking straight," but forces them to act out their
irrationalities? Man's failure over many millennia to find the cause of aberration has exacted an incalculable toll in personal unhappiness and
ruined lives.But were the answer found, the horizons would be unlimited.Individuals could achieve the lasting success they desire. Families would thrive, united and strong. Groups and organizations would reach new levels of prosperity. Nations would flourish, realizing they no longer need resolve their differences by violence and war. And even the brotherhood
of Man might graduate from poetry to reality.
Here, then, with the isolation of the germ of destruction hidden for so long in the human mind, is the knowledge to actually reach those goals. Individuals, groups, nations and civilization itself can be freed from the bitter consequences of aberration. The answer lies in the discovery of the previously unknown mental image picture and, by virtue of all thus revealed, the prospect of a better world for all.

Today weapons exist powerful enough to annihilate whole nations. And violence has become commonplace, often in disregard of human life. Why has there been such a lessening of moral responsibility and, most important, what can be done about it? In providing the answers to these questions, L. Ron Hubbard explores the history of Man’s research and investigation in the field of the human spirit. As he details many remarkable phenomena familiar in past ages, yet unknown to most people today, what emerges is that as mechanical technologies became ascendant, nothing parallel emerged to bring religion into the realm of day‑to‑day application. In consequence, modern studies ultimately came to deny the spirit entirely, instead treating the individual as a mere stimulus‑response mechanism without conscience or value. Thus, the arrival of Scientology means everything for both the individual and Mankind, for here is the first religion which, by application of an actual technology, provides anyone with workable answers he can use on a daily basis in his own life. By this technology, IQ rises, an individual’s power and ability increase, Man can recover his capacity for kindness and decency—and a
brighter future is assured.

In his search to understand Man, L. Ron Hubbard discovered that there is a single common denominator to existence: Survive! No matter the varied experiences or activities of individuals, everyone is seeking to survive and
that is the only common denominator to all life.
Then, examining life still more closely, he further discovered that survival subdivided into eight separate urges or drives, known as the Eight Dynamics. In brief, one seeks to survive for oneself (1), the family and the future generation (2), one's group (3), Mankind (4), all life organisms (5), the physical universe (6), as or for spirits (7) and the Supreme Being, or infinity (8).
The Second Dynamic has long been a source of mystery and confusion, in no small part because previous studies of Man erroneously targeted sex as the sole reason for existence and, simultaneously, the primary cause of irrationality. Not knowing about the Eight Dynamics, these practitioners led many people to fail-not only in regard to the Second Dynamic, but in life itself. That their theories were not workable is evidenced by today's incidence of failed personal relationships, broken homes and troubled youth.
Notwithstanding that it is one dynamic among eight, the Second Dynamic is, of course, important to everyone. It is no minor breakthrough, then, to at last answer the question of how to achieve abundant survival in this crucial part of life. With this knowledge, anyone can discover what the Second Dynamic really is and understand its exact relationship to the rest of their life. And thus, whether as individuals, couples or families, they can finally realize its full potential for happiness.

The Dynamics

by L Ron Hubbard

Published 1 October 2009
What motivates life? What motivates Man? Those were the questions L. Ron Hubbard posed when seeking workable answers to the problems of both the individual and society. After examining the whole of life in its variety and complexity, he isolated a common denominator to all living things—the Dynamic Principle of Existence: Survive! Here was a watershed breakthrough in Man’s understanding of Man. For while “everyone knows” that life forms are surviving, survival as their sole motivation was a brand‑new discovery. How, then, did survival apply to Man and his everyday existence? By examining the full range and depth of his activities in the light of this new discovery, the infinitely diverse behavior of human beings all aligned and fell into place. As he discovered, the Dynamic Principle of Existence actually breaks down into no less than eight separate but interdependent urges toward survival: An individual survives for himself (1); for the family and future generations (2); for the group (3); for Mankind (4); for all life organisms including the animal and plant kingdoms (5); for the physical universe of matter, energy, space and time (6); as or for the spirit (7); and of or for Infinity (8).
Moreover, as L. Ron Hubbard further reveals in this lecture, so interdependent are these
dynamics that a failure to work along any one dynamic can drag down the rest while, similarly, a concentration on a single dynamic will also injure the others. But an understanding and, hence, balance of all Eight Dynamics provides the path to achieving the lasting success and happiness that are the very essence of survival—for oneself, one’s family, one’s fellows and, indeed, the whole civilization. This, then, is not just wisdom about life. This is life.

From his adventurous youth in a rough‑and‑tumble American West to his far‑flung trek across a still mysterious Asia; from his two‑decade search for the essence of life to the triumph of Dianetics and Scientology—such is the story L. Ron Hubbard recounts in a lecture so legendary, it has been heard by millions.
How could one man discover the source of human aberration and provide an actual technology by which Man could rise to greater
heights of honesty, decency and personal freedom? The answer is here, in his personal account of his long journey to bring about a new
state of being Man had dreamed of for over 2,500 years, a story that could only be told by the man who lived it.

The Hope of Man

by L Ron Hubbard

Published 1 October 2009
From the dawn of time, Man has cherished the hope he could achieve a greater freedom. That hope, articulated by the greatest religious leaders across the centuries, has time and again renewed his strength to face the future. But with
no practical means to convert hope to reality, the goal of a greater freedom remained, for most if not all, a distant and unattainable dream. Then, with the onset of the twentieth century, came the rapid and unprecedented advance of the physical sciences. Yet, at the same time, these sciences limited their research to the material world, ignoring or even denying the existence of the human soul. Such was the backdrop of L. Ron Hubbard's 25-year quest to solve the riddle of Man. Applying the tools and methodology of
twentieth-century science to the accumulated knowledge from thousands of years of religious teachings, Ron sought an understanding of exactly who and what Man is. Then, in 1952, he arrived at a historic discovery. With demonstrable proofs, rather than mere belief, he established that there is indeed an immortal spirit with infinite
survival power-an awareness of awareness unit that is the individual himself. Moreover, by these same scientific methods, L. Ron Hubbard further discovered that he could trace the life of this awareness of awareness unit ... life after life after life. These remarkable discoveries signified no less than the long-sought meeting ground of science and religion. And with that, thousands of
years of belief in the field of religion materialized into an actuality which any individual can realize in the here and now. So was born a new religion, the world's first wholly practical religion-Scientology.