Book 2

The Savage Day

by Jack Higgins

Published 24 April 1972

Action and blood-thirsty suspense from the master of the game.

Simon Vaughan knows what it's like to fight a dirty war, he's had first-hand experience in Korea. Now he languishes in a Greek jail.

When it comes to firearms and gun-running nobody does it better, but those days are...

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Book 3

Day of Judgment

by Jack Higgins

Published 31 December 1979
A classic thriller from Jack Higgins, the undisputed master of adrenalin packed adventure and the bestselling author of 'The Eagle has Landed' It's 1963 and the eve of John F.Kennedy's historic visit to Berlin. Locked away inside the impregnable fortress of Schloss Neustadt, Father Sean Conlin, survivor of Dachau...Read more

Book 3

Day of Judgement

by Jack Higgins

Published October 1978
