Astronauts of the lunar exploration age were the superstars of their time. This inspiring book discusses how astronauts survived in spaceNthen and nowNby keeping to a strict diet, bedtime, and training schedule. Special sections explain how spacesuits kept them alive in and outside the space capsule and how they moved around their cramped quarters. Maps of the Moon show the lunar nearside that we can see from Earth, and the lunar farside that faces away from us.

The Space Race was an unofficial competition for spaceflight dominance between Cold War rivals the United States and the Soviet Union. This interesting title sets the scene for lunar and space exploration by both countries, describing early rocket development, NASA's Gemini program, which put humans in space, and the development of robot explorers. Maps show how early astronomers mapped the Moon hundreds of years ago, and what materials the Moon is made up of.

On July 23, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin stepped from their spacecraft onto the alien soil of the Moon - Earth's sister world. Using archival images and explanatory text, this riveting title guides the reader through NASAOs Apollo space program, including the tragic deaths of an entire flight crew and Apollo's ultimate triumphNthe first lunar landing in 1969. Maps of the Moon show where Apollo 11's lunar lander Eagle landed and the route taken by the Soviet robot lander Lunokhod 1 in 1970.

This fascinating book describes what scientists discovered about the Moon from the Apollo missions that came after the successful landing in 1969, until the last mission in 1972. A discussion follows of why flights to the Moon stopped, the creation of space stations, such as Skylab, that followed, and what exciting new plans are now being made to revisit the Moon. Maps of the Moon show where astronauts drove in rovers on the surface and what resources can be found on the Moon, from ice to helium.