Evaluating Arguments About Animals

by Simon Rose

Published 25 September 2018
Should animals be kept in zoos or used in circuses? This book gives readers the tools to make sense of and evaluate arguments. Three animal-related examples help introduce readers to the parts of an effective argument. Readers are encouraged to evaluate the effectiveness of arguments on opposing sides of...Read more

Evaluating Arguments About Food

by Simon Rose

Published 25 September 2018
Should an age restriction be placed on buying junk food? This book gives readers the tools to make sense of and evaluate arguments. Three food-related examples help introduce readers to the parts of an effective argument. Readers are encouraged to evaluate the effectiveness of arguments on opposing sides of...Read more

Does bottled water do more harm than good? This book gives readers the tools to make sense of and evaluate arguments. Three environment-related examples help introduce readers to the parts of an effective argument. Readers are encouraged to evaluate the effectiveness of arguments on opposing sides of the issues.